

Will entertainment industry Stagnate?
Human beings only have six senses. That's not a challenge for industry pioneers out there to overcome, that is a fact. An unalterable fact.
The convergence of human entertainment over the past decade has lead to simultaneous stimulation of all senses at once.
Surround system televisions.
Millions of dollars poured into investment into a single music concert, for a temporary stage that will be taken down after a week after it was constructed at most.
Can it get better ?
The only think left to happen is virtual reality to become mainstream.
On a lighter note, I can totally imagine people about 200 years from now getting bionic eye implants so that they can see the world in ultraviolet light or even thermal vision, just because watching the world around them with normal eyes will become "plain boring" and too mainstream.
The conclusion of this rant is that satisfaction is an existentialism concept.
Pro tip : People who feel that their cravings for consumer goods is significant and that they can't resist being appealed by them, spend time with your nearby neighborhood pet, with the owners permission. Animals will never cease to amaze you. It might even convince you to adopt a pet of your own.
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