


            “The bullet of an M16 fires at about 2,100 miles per hour; faster than the speed of sound. If you get shot in the heart, you won’t hear the bullet that killed you.”

I used to always tell that son of a bitch that our faction is a jinx. But he never listened. And now he’s dead, killed by his own words. With our faction it’s not irony, its simply sealing your fate. “When you’re a part of the Gemini you gotta watch what you say, or some fucked up shit will start coming your way.” As corny as it sounds, its our saying for a reason.

            Auggie probably had it the worst. As soon as he told me those words, I clutched my rifle and not even a second later the shooting started.

“FUCK AUGGIE!” I said, as my shoulder armor got shot off.

“Blair I’m sorry, I forgot. Its jus…”  

“Drop it! You see how far out they were?”

            I didn’t cut him off because of the mess we were in, I was angry at him. That was the third time that week he got us in that situation. And this time, it would cost him his life.

“About 40 meters out on the tree line. Big guy, gotta be a Taurus. “  

“No way, It’s the first of August. A Taurus would be mating like crazy right now.”  

Zzzzzip! (Bullets whiz by.)  

 “FUCK! you’re right, lets go with an Aires then.”  

“Well in that case, that bastard is gonna kill us.”

            Aires was the most fearless faction. Pair that with how strong they are, and you got a nearly unstoppable combo for war. They challenge anyone and everyone in their way.

“Why the hell is an Aires is scoping ou…” 

“It doesn’t matter right now. If that is an Aires, he’s probably out 15 meters now.”  

“Don’t cut me off!”  

“I’m just returning the favor.”

            That dick, our lives are in danger and he’s worried about getting me back for cutting him off!? Moments like this made me wish I had chosen a different patrol partner.

“Whatever Auggie. Cover my back. I’m going to move to that rusted truck five cars down. We need to challenge him from multiple angles so we’re not easy to pick off. You should move too.”

            As we were arguing, hiding behind a trashed car in a junk yard, our guest had broken our lines and he was right underneath our noses. As soon as we took our first steps, our enemy dashed out like a lion hunting his prey, swiftly grabbing Auggie and using his rifle against me. He wasn’t a Taurus or an Aires, he was a Leo.

            Barely even taking a step I managed to dive behind a widened streetlamp as the Leo emptied half a magazine into the concrete base of the light I was behind.

“THROW YOUR WEAPON OUT!” the Leo commanded.

“Let go of my fucking friend!” I replied.

“Throw out your weapon NOW!”

            He wasn’t in the mood to negotiate and he wasn’t letting go of Auggie. I threw out my side arm hoping he wouldn’t realize I still had my rifle, but he wasn’t going for it. He fired another round into my pistol, pushing it farther away from me. And four more rounds into the lamp just to see if id squeal.

“Do you think this is funny!? Stand the fuck up!” said the Leo.

“No Blair!” said Auggie.



            As soon as I heard that gunshot, I left my cover with my M16 and fired a single bullet straight through my best friend… Auggie. Instantly killing him and the Leo.

Knowing exactly what I’ve done, I muttered to myself as I reloaded my magazine. Almost directing it towards Auggie’s body.

“When you’re apart of the Gemini you gotta watch what you say, or some fucked up shit will start coming your way.”

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