

Psalms 34:8 ASV
Oh taste and see that Jehovah is good: Blessed is the man that taketh refuge in him.

Many have written things,sung songs about how good Jehovah is. But wait a minute! What is your very own experience? Given a chance can you tell how Jehovah has been good to you?

The Psalmist is saying something which has left me swept to the ground. He is calling on someone like you to taste for yourself and then tell your own experience.
It will be good if you took sometime to taste.
This tasting talked about here is Figurative:

"To experience," "to perceive": "Oh taste and see that Yahweh is good" (Psalms 34:8; compare 1 Peter 2:3 ); "How sweet are thy words unto my taste!"

I believe you are keen to devote yourself in wanting to taste so that you give us your own version of how good Jehovah is. Don't let others tell you.
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in God. I hope and trust that as you taste you will take refuge in God and His blessing we be upon you.

© Thandizo Publishers