

Beyond Boundaries: Chronicles of the Twelve Universes
A small dwarf planet, shrouded in eerie green clouds, lay in ruin. Broken buildings and structures were scattered everywhere, bearing witness to a catastrophic event. The ground was littered with lifeless corpses, a grim testament to the planet’s tragic fate.

Amidst this desolation, a small group of survivors clung to life. Aparna, Divyansh, Kamui, and Xue were the sole remnants of a once-thriving world. Their bodies bore the marks of fierce battles, wounds crisscrossing their forms. Even their regenerative abilities had faltered, leaving them vulnerable.

Xue though fatigued and diminished, remained the most capable among them. He possessed unique powers: incredible speed, control over blood, and heightened senses. He embarked on a desperate mission, racing at half his usual velocity to scour the entire planet for signs of life. Anyone he encountered, he eliminated without hesitation.

On his relentless journey, Xue encountered Kamui, a once-proud protector of the planet. He taunted Kamui, questioning his failure to save their people and deeming his existence worthless. Kamui, struggling to respond, was subjected to a horrifying act. Xue extracted veins from his own body and forced them into Kamui’s left arm, inflicting unbearable pain. As Kamui cried out, YDSC10 attempted to feed on his blood, his grip tightening on the crimson veins.

Xue’s attempt to end Kamui’s life was thwarted by the mysterious blue veins that coursed through Kamui’s body. These veins, a result of consuming the colusiom liquid that bestowed immortality, resisted Xue’s efforts. Frustration filled the air as Xue desperately tried to crack the unyielding blue veins.

In a surprising turn of events, Divyansh  arrived on the scene, a powerhouse of crushing strength. His abilities were unparalleled, capable of rending the very ground asunder. With a malevolent grin, Xue turned his attention to Divyansh , mocking him for his perceived treachery.

Divyansh  retorted, “No, I may not be as strong as my brother, but I retain my humanity, which you and my brother have forsaken.” Xue dismissed his words, proclaiming their impending demise.

As Xue prepared for another assault, a blinding white light erupted from the heavens. Prince’s daughter materialized, her radiant powers capable of annihilating even the most formidable of elements. Xue ’s form was seared and shattered into scattered fragments by her attack.

Refusing to yield, Xue reconstituted himself by gathering the blood strewn across the battlefield. His malevolent gaze fell upon Prince’s daughter as he uttered, “You again? Didn’t I warn you not to fight a child like you?”

With a resigned sigh, he declared, “Now, all of you will meet your end.”

Xue unleashed his full might upon Divyansh  and Aparna. Uniting their powers, the siblings conjured a formidable counterattack. The combined forces collided with Xue's onslaught, creating a seismic shockwave that reverberated across the planet’s desolate surface.

In the midst of the struggle, Kamui emerged from the shadows and delivered an unexpected assault from behind. Xue, unable to withstand the joint onslaught, faltered. Divyansh  and Aparna pushed to their limits, were thrown to the ground by Kamui’s surprise attack.

Kamui, whose powers could manipulate or destroy brain cells, focused his abilities on Aparna  As he delved deeper into his abilities, an unexpected event occurred. Xue's body began to disintegrate, his form vanishing into thin air.

In her final moments, Aparna uttered tearful words, “Brother, Kamui, tell my father that I wish to see him one last time and that I love him. Tell everyone I love them.” Tears welled in the eyes of Divyansh  and Kamui as they listened to her heartfelt words.

The world fell silent for a brief moment, a profound stillness that held the weight of their sacrifice. Kamui, in his final act, witnessed every memory etched within Aparna's heart, a timeless connection that would endure.