

Golden Death
Goden Death

Back in the dark ages, people used black magic to summon demons or curse other people. There were curses that could could make your life unhappy and curses that could bring back the dead, but there were olso curses that is a sign of Revenge.

John and Frank ran out a bank with two bags full of money. Policemen was running after them. They were shooting bullets at John and Frank. Frank jumped over a 1 meter wall and took his pistol and shot a hole in the wall. He then used the hole to shoot at the policemen. Meanwhile John was using one policeman's body as a shield. He took out his knife and murdered many policemen with it.
Later John and Frank ran away from the battleground.
They ran towards a yellow car. Inside the car was Jack. Jack was holding a machine gun. He started to shoot at the policemen.
When John and Frank got in the car, Frank started the engine and the car started to move 360 kilometers per hour. Behind them was police cars. Just as Jack took a sharp turn into a big street, a Policeman came out his car. (Just his hands and head was out the car.) The Policeman was holding a sniper. Then...He shot Jack. The car crashed in a giant tree next to the road.
John and Frank got out the car. ( With the money ) They started to run for thier lives.
One hour later they got into a house and killed the intire family, who lived there.
Then Frank asked:
"Do you think we lost them?"
"Yes, but they will sent thier dogs after us."
"It's a shame that Jack had to die."
"Yeah, he will won't be forgotten."
Just then Frank fell to his knees. John ran to him. Then he saw that he was shot in the stomach.
"How long ago did they shot you."
"UUU... about an hour ago. When we were running in the street."
"That's bad. I need to get you in a hospital."
"No! Don't please. If I go there and I'm heald, they will sent me to prison. I'll rather die here. Revenge me and Jack's live whould you."
"I will."
Then Frank closed his eyes.

Six months later John found a lady, but this lady knew the dark arts.
John knocked on her door and then the lady told him to come in.
John then sat on an uncomfortable chair and asked the lady:
"Do you know a curse that will help me have Revenge."
"A curse you say. Revenge you say. Tell me who has to die in this."
"Everyone in the world has to die, except me."
What your looking for is Called Golden Death.
It works like this. If the curse has been summoned, your next child your gonna have will carry it. The child will be a boy and he will have golden eyes full of rage. He will have inhuman abilities. He will kill like he is the devil himself. He will live for two thousand years and then he will turn to dust"
"That curse sounds perfect."

Two years later

John lived in the woods near the city. A pregnant Girl about his age lived with him.
After a few weeks, she died giving birth to a boy with golden eyes. John named the boy Golden Death.

Twenty two years later

Golden Death was all grown up. He killed people like a hobby. He killed about One thousand people. Everyone he kills, he writes a number on thier foreheads. Example his first kill he wrote 1 on the body's head or like his twelfth kill he wrote 12 on the body's head. That is how he kept count on his kills.

He never talked in his life and He was a good fighter.
When he turned twenty two he got a stolen Golden Mask and a Golden knife from his father. He went to the city to kill.
The city's number one wanted dead was Golden Death.
About 20:00 he decided to return home. He then killed a man and wrote 3007 on the man's head.
He opened the door of his Father's house. Then he saw his father dead on the ground and on a chair sat an assassin with a black and grey mask. Then the assassin said:
"John here had a long history of killing and stealing with his dead friends. Luckily I shot a sniper bullet at that Jack and shot another bullet at Frank AND NOW! I've killed the third bof the three.
Now only Only Golden Jason here is left to kill. Then Golden Death was filled with rage. He was olso wondering who Jason was. Then the assassin took out his sword and told Golden Death his history:
"First I was a cop. Then your father hid drugs in my house and I went to prison for five years. Then I tracked your father down to kill him. I olso found his notebook."
He then opened the book and started to read:" I named my child Golden Death." Then he closed the book. You're gather gave you a horrible name, but doesn't matter. I was already on the phone. I told the police about those kills we found twenty two years ago wasn't John, but his own son. Golden Death."
Then Golden Death took up his Golden Knife and charged at the assassin. The assassin then stabbed Golden Death in his chest, but Golden Death didn't realize it and then cuts off the right hand of the assassin and his sword fell to the ground. Then Golden Death stabbed him in the stomach and wrote 3008 on his head.
Golden Death then walked out of the house and digged a big hole. In it he let his Father's body rest.
He then went to the city. He killed thousands of people that night.
He didn't didn't mind if the police and army was shooting at him. He healed very fast.

He went into many houses and hotels and killed the families in the homes.

For the next two thousand years Golden Death is gonna be the number one murderer in the world...
He is a legend in the killer history. Some say he is the God of the Dead. Some say he is a demon. Some say he is a myth...

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