

The Way I Miss You -03-
|This is a story about Ada and her blog posts about the way she misses Railey, the love that she has lost...|


The seasons have changed again. The temperature rises that I had to keep my windows open to let fresh air in. Last night, the sound of crickets lulled me to sleep. I woke up with a bit of sore throat because I forgot to close the windows. Again.

The rays of the warm sunshine stinging my skin this morning made me realize, summer is really here.

We used to have a fun-filled summer, do you remember? Eating all kinds of ice cream with our friends after playing arcade in the mall. Or just making our very own special shaved ice or fruit shake whenever we visit each other's houses.

Do you remember? When we make plans with our friends to hang out during the summer, but only half of them would come.  We would fly kites, or go to the pool, or go for a hike, or go to the beach... the beach...

You used to love the beach. I remember. Your summer would never be complete without the beach...

But I think I started hating summer. And I started hating the beach. Will you blame me?

Because I would always remember you in it when I know I won't ever see you again.

I would remember you eating your ice cream, or shaving ice for me when we make flavored-shaved ice. I would remember your smiling face as you reach for my hand before we reach the mountain top. Your excited face as you screamed at the top of your lungs.

And I would remember when we go to the park to fly kites. About you bragging how you could easily fly it, as if you were born to reach the sky.

And you would run around me excitedly, proudly, because you knew just how frustrated I feel whenever I can't fly mine. But in the end, you'd give in. You would take my kite and give me yours. The string of your kite already flying high up in the sky.

I think I was the happiest watching that kite flying, holding its string in my hands. It would just amaze me how something could fly that high while staying connected to me. But sometimes it also frustrates me, how it leisurely floats up in there not knowing I'm getting exhausted from holding it up. But even if my arms get tired, I couldn't let go.

You are like that kite, Railey. I know that you are already way up there. But this string that connects you to me, no matter how tired this arms may be, I couldn't bear to let it go. How could I bear to let you go?

My summers have been filled with memories of you, that I haven't remembered a summer without you. I blame you, for making my summer dependent on you.

So this summer, how will I spend it without you? Without you this summer, there was nothing to look forward to.