

The Hawker
It was around 12 noon. Heading towards my room. The lane to my room is narrow and big houses on both sides of the lane. Also a little primary school but closed for COvid19. I was about to reach my room I noticed a hawker sitting at the corner of the lane under the shed of the school roof. He looked tired. He goes door to door and moves around the city to sell peanuts. But the 70 years old eye revealed he was frustrated for not able to sell those to meet the daily needs of his family. Roads are now a grave yard. No people no customer. May be that's why he tried to reach the lanes where big buildings stand. I tried to figure out why he chose the inappropriate place for selling. Besides I tried to figure out the the frustration he was bearing with.
I guessed mthe aged hawker approached and shouted for things to be sold but his voice was not so powerful to penetrate the concrete inside which people live. May be the sir and Madam refused to listen. Actually who cares about. I was upset and thought me should say hey poor man you should have been starved to death now. I was eager to know how did he manage to feed his family. I wonder we people in this COVID19 situation have spent even made record purchasing of liquor but put zero eager to spend 50 cent to buy things from the daily wage earners or hawker at this lockdown. Thinking all these I decided to buy some even I don't like much. I knew If i purchase it would hardly affect my wallet but it will immensely help him to survive and fight against COVID19. Last evening I recognised his voice shouting TAKE SOME FRESH PEANUTS.