

Worst Part OF OVER Thinking
Worst part of over thinking
Instead of preparing you for next steps, overthinking usually leads to inaction because it causes you to become overwhelmed by fear.
Overthinking can be an early indicator or symptom of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
Is you are probably right sometimes
over thinking Is art of giving small problem
Overthinking is toxic
A torturous endeavor
To find all the pieces
That will solve the puzzle
I try to control my thoughts
Talk myself off the ledge
Convince myself it's unreasonable.
"What's wrong with me?"
I am simply searching
for the puzzle pieces
that you have decided to hide.
Its like mental war.
Its a sea where, you cant float on your own,
its getting lost in a foggy path
Overthinking made you a killer of your own mind.
nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts
When you’re overthinking you might feel like your brain won’t shut off
. When you try to sleep, you might even feel as though your brain is on overdrive as it replays scenarios in your head and causes you to imagine bad things happening.

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