

The Present Tense
The present tense is only tense which has its existence in the present.
This is the only tense which everybody needs to understand. If one understands the importance of the present tense he can shape his life in a better way. Now u say we know about the present tense we had studied it in our school life and also we are using every day in our dialogue.
Yes definitely you are using it in your argument, but if you use it by understanding its concept and its real-life application then it will help you more then ever before.By understanding the scientific idea of the present tense not only you score good marks in your English paper but also you will accomplish more in life.
Now a question arises -What is the scientific idea of the Present tense? Don't worry I am here to make you understand the true picture of the Present tense.

So let's get straight into it.

We all have two minds conscious and subconscious. It is said that we can accomplish anything through our subconscious mind. If we elevate our subconscious mind and make it vibrate with higher frequency then we can gain what we want.

How is it possible to glorify the subconscious mind? How can I make our subconscious mind to vibrate with a much higher frequency?

To glorify the subconscious mind, you have to do two things:

2.Positive Affirmation

For doing meditation you have to sit quietly for a while regularly. Initially, you may receive a message from your brain like-hey man what are u doing. Don't do, this will not going to make any changes, why are u wasting your time. Something like this. But keep going by the time you will elevate your brain.
Now talking about the second one Positive Affirmation.

Some of the affirmation I am listing below which everyone should recite 3 to 4 times a day

1. I am healthy.
2. I am confident.
3. I don't sweat the small stuff.
4. I can do this.
5. I am adventurous.
6. I love myself.
7. I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.
8. I am my superhero.

I hope you all read the above avowal. Have you noticed one thing which is common in all the above avowal? What is it?
The thing which is common in all the above avowal is that all the avowal is in the present tense.
Why is it so?Why affirmations are in the present tense? Why not in the future or past tense?

As automobile responds only to petrol or diesel, not to kerosene or water.Just like the same way our subconscious mind understands only present tense whatever we say to it in the present tense it will respond to it without any filter.

If you say to your mind I am healthy then your subconscious mind will work accordingly. If you say you are weak, unhealthy then again your subconscious mind responds accordingly.

This is the power of affirmation and that's why affirmations are always in the present tense.

“Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto conducted a famous experiment on changes in the molecular structure of water. He discovered that the energy generated by the vibration from human thoughts, words, and emotions, affects the molecular structure of water. He took bottles and filled them with tap water. On each bottle he wrote different words such as anger, love, thank you, etc. After, that he froze the bottles and looked at the molecules under a microscope. The results showed that the molecules of the frozen water in a bottle that was blessed with words of love were in beautiful, symmetrical shapes, like snowflakes. In the other bottle, that was cursed - the water molecules were murky and undefined.”

If you don't believe this you can search it on google

Now I hope you understand the importance of the present tense.

There are many saying -

Live in present.
Be in present.
Focus in present.

These are not just like this, there is a reason behind everything. Nothing in this world is wasteful whatever God has created, creates for a reason. Now we have to uncover all those things.