

My favorite thing to do is help people because helping people helps me keep a positive mind frame. A mind frame is a mental attitude or outlook, so in order to keep a positive mind frame, you must be open to changing your perspective. You should do activities that relax you such as, Reading, listening to music, watching videos or movies, taking peaceful walks and many more activities that help soothe the mind.

Having a positive mind frame is very important because when you have a positive mind frame it prevents negative mentality such as depression and other things that can affect us mentally. Your mental health is important for your emotional and physical state so, I suggest if you are going through a tough time you take walks or try to distract yourself from any toxic situation doing things that relax you or using methods of your own that helps you relax mentally. I recommend not using alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, or any other illegal or harmful substances because it may give you temporary relief but it is not worth deteriorating your health making your problem harder to deal with mentally and physically.

Some of the methods I use to deal with ongoing stress are taking peaceful walks and sitting on a bench outside organizing the thoughts in my head and discuss my thoughts with my friends so I can see from a different perspective. Helping others can help you keep positive also writing down your goals and dreams that you want to accomplish. Always think about adding on the things that you desire having or doing than pursue those desires. Talk with friends about your dreams and thoughts and if they are real friends they'll accept and support you. Always tell the people you care about how much you appreciate them and how they helped you become a better person. Always strive for and greater future a be yourself.
@Daveman #inspire #Motivation #positivethinking #positivity #selflove #mentalhealth