

The Steps I Took...
I had always thought I was a formidable individual, capable of facing the whole world without anyone, without support. I believed I could succeed alone. I felt I could leave my foot prints on the sands of time all by my self. Unfortunately, I forgot that someone somewhere, an intellectual, once said: "No One Is An Island!"I forgot that saying. I kept dwelling on my own abilities. Until one particular day, I was doing my things all by myself and suddenly I fell! I fell so hard, that I believed I could never stand again. I fell off the high position I used to be and could only look up due to my strong desire to rise again. Even at that point in time, I believed I could rise again without help from anyone but when I tried to do so, it failed once more. I was on the verge of frustration and in the moment when I was about to give up, I looked up once again just to behold the high place where I once stayed.
However, I was surprised when I looked up and saw a ladder. Not just an ordinary ladder, but a ladder filled with people at every step. Not just anyone, but people I recognised, people I once said I'll never need and they urged me to climb up, to have the courage to move on, to have the determination to keep going.
As I took the first step, I saw my dad. The second step, I saw my mum. The third step, I saw my elder brother. On reaching the fourth step, I saw my younger brother. Each step I took, I saw a relative or a friend. Surprisingly, when I reached the last step I saw a stranger, a person I'm not acquainted with in any form who took my hand and said ; " Everytime, anywhere, always remember that we all are here for you."
Their help that day gave me the courage to keep going despite the challenges I faced.
I was impressed that the set of people I once told that I'll never need gave me the most formidable support I've ever received in all my years on earth. No one should be underestimated. In such situations, the presence and importance of family and friendship should not be underestimated.
It was a lesson and I'm glad I learnt well.

© Crownwalks