

I hear you... part three
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"We are going to be seperated, I am going to be taken to the orphanage! " Said Susanne. She cried and cried such that hardly her words were audible. Andrew asked "what Susanne, are you serious? ". There was no reply.

Susanne was wiping her tears so she did not watch him. Andrew quickly realised it. His sister was deaf. She never knew that Andrew even spoke something.

Andrew turned her and made her look at him and he asked again " What are you saying? How will that happen, Susanne!? . Susanne observed. She then answered with tears rolling down her cheeks.

I observed aunty say so Andrew. Our mother is in her death bed, and since aunty can not feed all the five children, Ms.Mary said that she was going to send me and the little baby girl to the orphanage!" Answered Susanne in a withered tone.

"If that is true then we will all go to orphanage or no one goes. We can't be a burden to aunty so, it is better if we all go to the orphanage. " Said Andrew in a bright and clear voice.

With this statement Andrew added " Susanne, did aunty see you?" And there was some silence in the room. Tom understood that this was something serious. So he stood in the silence daring not to move.

Susanne said"I truly don't know about it. But as soon as I realised her turning I quickly asked her for how many days we were about to pack."

Andrew thought for a moment and then asked "So, what did she answer to that?" And Susanne said "she said that we must pack for a month and she asked if that was okay. " Andrew said "Alas! Then I think she did not know that you heard it"

Tom said "No that is not true how can Susanne hear when she is deaf" He asked Andrew. Andrew said "Don't make me go wild on you Tom!" Susanne said "Don't jump on him think what to do next. Only that can save us now. "

Andrew moved to the Windowsill. As if to calm himself down.He looked out of it as he was trying hard to think. Tom said "why don't we plead to aunty not to send Susanne and the baby to orphanage? "

Susanne answered "There is no use in doing so, aunty would cry and of course accept our request but I will not Tom, I don't want to be a burden to her and at the same time I don't want to leave you all".

Tom said "Then, we all can go to the orphanage". Susanne said " That is not possible. Aunty thinks that she can give good care to you both if I go to the orphanage. She wouldn't allow all of us to go to the orphanage"

Tom then said frustrated "There is no way we can solve this! ". Susanne agreed with him." Might be you are correct Tom. If the fate is that I must leave you then there is nothing that can change it"

Tom asked "what do you think about this Andrew?" There was no reply from Andrew. "please don't keep quiet, this is serious." He added. Still there was no reply from him.

Susanne thought that he said something, but when Tom asked him to speak out she understood. She was deaf but she had feelings and felt that Andrew was feeling miserable.

He knows that he can not do anything. He is worried about her she thought. "Andrew we must accept it there is no other way" Said Tomas if he was trying to console him.

Just then Andrew turned towards them. " No, there is one way. We can make it out of this window" He said in a jerky tone as he climbed the window. Even before Tom and Susanne could realise what was happening, he jumped out of the window!. Susanne and Tom watched this in such a horror! Andrew!

© Sayee Dharshini