

The Outbreak (ep17)
The incidents , places ,persons described in this story has no connection with real life it's all for the purpose of the story.

This is the continuation of previous episodes so I recommend you to read that first those who have not read.


Day 4 after the experiment

I was still reading that letter.

After sometime a call came to my phone, that was the trainee.

he said " switch on your tv"

I stopped reading that letter and went for the remote and switched on the TV.

(in the tv)

Today's news

A new type of virus have identified in the city . The virus was identified in the Zuhan Hospital. The person was admitted to the hospital in Monday , he is a scientist in the Virology lab of Zuhan. Zuhan is the first province to be identified with the virus.

Till now there is no name to this virus. But doctors say that it is the family of Corona Virus.

(switched off the tv)

I was shocked, now all people will know about this incident anyway I have to stop them from knowing about that experiment.

Since he is Scientist in this lab they will come here and they will know that there is no experiment conducting here as I reported to them for closing markets, and so I will be arrested.

I decided to fly to California.