

Who was She??
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic, the driver inside the car, as if under a spell, wanted to run away from the wilderness, as soon as possible. His heart was pounding under his wet shirt, cold-sweat surrounding his face. He is lost, for his logic is questioned by his senses today, and he is clueless about what and why all that happened with him. He is unsure, if it was real or he was hallucinating.

It was all started, halfway through the night, around half-past twelve, when amidst the wilderness, he saw a woman. The first question popped-up in his mind was: Who is she? What she's doing here at this hour? But, he was all alone and having seen a young and beautiful woman in the night, that too, where there is nothing humanly, he found himself divided among two variants of human behaviour. One is obviously,the sophisticated variant, that is the desire to help the lady, for whom the area, she is placed in might turn out nightmarish. And the other is an erroneously instinctual one, that is the carnal desire of a man, towards the opposite sex. But he chose the first option irrespective of the emotional dilemma bubbling within his heart.
So, he stopped his car near the woman, he opened the window pane of his car, and politely asked the lady, if she needs to be dropped somewhere, or if he can, in anyway, help her? But the woman was seemingly adamant not to listen him and the man, a poor soul, completely unaware of what the destiny holds in her, beyond prediction casket for him, asked her once again.
Seemingly perturbed by the insistence from the man, the woman turned back with a gloomy distress on her fairly toned face. The man, charmed and stunned, looked at her as if he is spellbound, he then revisited, the feminine figure, fore and aft. She was beautiful but all of a sudden, he found something creepy about the woman. To his wonderment, the woman was without feet. Awestruck, he looked again at her, but now in the rare-view mirror of his car. To his amazement, there was nobody in the mirror, nothing humanoid. Today he felt as if, the stories in the Goosebumps Series, he used to read in his early teens, has come alive as he is reliving the scary experience, materially. He then recollected his almost lost consciousness, and drove his car. What he saw then, was utterly spine-chilling, he saw the woman running along with his car with a speed of sixty kilometres per hour, for about forty-five minutes, and then, all of a sudden she vanished, leaving a little, but dense mist behind. The feminine spirit is gone, but the man, unable to figure out the happenings, confused, perplexed and entirely disturbed. His one hand is ceaselessly on the car horn, completely devoid of the sense, that he is now on a busy road, the wretched soul still questioning himself: Who was she??