

egytian mummy chapter 7
egytian mummy chapter 7:curse plan
where is dr.makarios?why dr.hima didn't call dr.makarios or why he didn't call her?
*12:00 am in secret place*
dr.makarios:hello dr.lexi ohh ron i didn't notice that you are here hi ron.
*dr.makarios was nocticed ron was there but he said that*
ron:hello dr.makarios or shall i say dr.josiah.
dr.lexi:both of you we are not kids arguing ,you guys making a good job everything going as we planned and you guys have to stop coming here without real reason and make sure no one saw you coming here okay.
ron:about me i am sure that nobody saw me coming here.
dr.josiah:me too no one saw me coming here so tell me what we will do the plan.
dr.lexi:okay to go as the plan said dr.hima have to call you and say sorry because as we know dr.hima so kind so of course she will say sorry and you have to tell her that no problem and you have to stop work with her because ron is jealous for you.
dr.josiah:okay dr.lexi this really good plan and now bye.
dr.lexi:bye ron and dr.josiah.
*after everyone left dr.lexi stay and she broke glass cup and in this cup there was liquad but we don't know what is this liquad*
*next day in the morning*
*dr.hima calling dr.makarios*
dr.makarios:hi dr.hima i thought that you will never call me after what happened.
dr.hima:hi dr.makarios i am sorry about what i said i was so nervous and i can't controll myself and of course i have to call you to say sorry or something and you have to come to work tomorrow.
dr.makarios:sorry dr.hima i can't come tomorrow.
dr.hima:okay come after tomorrow no problem.
dr.makarios:sorry but i can't come any day i can't work with you again it isn't your fault about what happened and i want you to know that every word ron said not real.
dr.hima:i knew that everything ron said real but why you can't come and work with us again.
dr.makarios:i can't because ron is jealous from me and i don't want to make him jealous again.
dr.hima:dr.makarios we are not play this is work about tutankhamuan curse and it's something important for all the world not a game,till now we don't if it's true or no so please take it serious so please come and work with us again.
dr.makarios:okay i will come to work bye now.
*who is dr.josiah?
what was liquad in the glass cup that dr.lexi broke?
and why dr.makarios with dr.lexi and ron in this plan?
this question will be answered in the next chapters to be continued......