

Rising Dead 10
In the evening everyone gather in the hall
Alex said " it's dengerous to go out in night "

" Yeah but we can easily avoid petrols at night " Stone said to Alex

Then Alex said " fine , so who's going out " everyone falls silent then Sarah said " I'm in " then Bella also said " me too " everyone said at same time to Bella " Noooo" Bella's eyes widen

Then Tom said" ladies going to stay here " then Sarah said furiously " no , and first of all we needs clothes not you guys " Bella also said " yeah that's why I want to go "

Alex said " someone have to stay back for protect our home " in low voice

Tom said " if two girls going out it means we have to forms forms 2 - 2 pairs and someone have to stay behind alone "

Sarah said " stone , Tom , Bella and me will go out and Alex you stay here " as he trying to convince Alex

Alex about to say something but Tom said " no stone needs to stay here "
Stone looks at Tom curiously and said " I'm listening "

Sarah said " stone is better choice out there not Alex " at looking at Tom

Stone said in amusing smile " thanks for the praise but it's not about going out Sarah "

Sarah looks at Stone confused , Alex smiled and said " someone strong enough have to stay back to protect our home , it's necessary for our survival "

Tom and stone nods in agreement then Bella grins and said then " it's settled " we are going out "

Alex and Sarah headed to start packing for going scavenging as Bella sits on sofa and Tom trying to figure out the root to mall then stone comes close to Tom and said " thanks for trusting me with your house "

Tom gestures stone to let's go out of the house as they come out of house Tom said " this is the only way to gain my trust " in serious voice stone chuckels

Now everyone out of the house with bags at their back then stone said " listen everyone, you guys have to take precautions first listen to your partner "

Alex said " right rule no 1 " as he trying to cool the tense atmosphere around every one

Stone said again " second don't do anything stupid or don't be a hero"

Then Alex again said " but I'm hero " everyone looks at Alex and said " quite Alex " expect Bella , she is laughing and trying to hold her laugh and said " I'm sorry " and smiled at Alex

Stone looks towards Tom and said " your going to lead them " Sarah looks both of them but said nothing

Alex said " but you forget most important point here stone "

Stones looks at Alex and said " what is the point ?"

Now everyone looking at Alex then he smiled and said " you guys cannot use guns because of there loud voice and noise attracts them "

Stone said surprisingly " yes I almost forgot that so guys no guns "

Sarah said in worried look " then this trip going to be disaster "

"Show me what's weapons you guys equipped "Tom said in serious tone

Alex shows his base ball bat , Sarah shows long kitchen knife , Bella shows his small knife then everyone looks at Tom then he shows his katana

Stone said " not bad so guys remember listen to your senior ... I mean Tom "

Everyone nods and left their home

They on the road slowly walking looking at every house as the crossing the street some houses have lights on some of them don't

Bella said " how long we have to walk " in annoyed look then Sarah said " we just walked 10 minutes Bella " as they moving

As walking they saw piles of dead bodies in corners of streets then they stops
Alex said in panic voice " zombies " but Sarah said " not necessarily it's already dead because petrols "
Tom said " yeah , and petrols coming in our direction " and points at end of street

Bella said in panic voice " what now they will kill us if they saw us "
Sarah said " don't worry I'm here " then Alex said in low voice only Bella can here " me too" then Bella smiles

Tom said "they chose silent vehicle so that they can not attract more attention of zombies " as looking towards them then Sarah said to Tom " we can hide in that house for while " and points their back house

Alex said " wow it's really luxurious house " then Bella said " are you sure this is your neighborhood " sarcastically and smiles

Alex's looks at Bella and then Tom , Athen they headed towards big house
As they enters big compound of that house they didn't saw any zombie inside

Sarah said " it's empty I guess " looking towards house then Tom suddenly touches Sarah and pulled closed to wall where is Bella and Alex hiding

Sarah looks towards Tom but Tom didn't meet her gaze as he trying to look for nearby passing petrol car , after sometime they still hiding there

Alex said to Tom "how about look for supplies in this house " Bella said excitedly " yes let's go " Sarah said to both of them "hold on you two "

Tom said " what do you think about this " looking at Sarah now Sarah fix her gaze towards Tom's eyes but she didn't said anything for few moments and said " whatever you choose "

Alex and Bella both watching them and started laughing then Sarah also started laughing nervesly but Tom started walking towards house

As they come close they saw the glass walls , swinging pool and some big bushes

Bella said " it's big villa " as he looking surprisingly everywhere and Alex watching her and smiles
Tom said " we have to form a pairs " then Sarah said " me and Bella " without looking at them

Tom stops and looks back at Sarah as Bella and Alex comes close to them and then Bella asked at looking at them " what happened ?"

Tom said to Bella " why don't you ask your sister " without looking at Bella ,as Bella looks towards Sarah ,then Sarah said " what I just said me and you and Alex and him in pairs "

Then Bella said in annoyingly " no me and Alex , you and Tom this is teams get it " Tom and Sarah looks at Bella and before they say something Alex said " don't worry it's not like we are going different direction , if something happens you guys can come and easily save us " as he smiled

Then Tom and Sarah said at same time " absolutely not " then looks at each other

Then Bella signs and said " let's go Alex we have to go " and they started walking ahead Sarah said " this girl " in annoying voice

Then Tom started heading in Sarah looks at Alex and Bella then started following Tom in the house

Bella and Alex comes close to swimming pool and Alex said " thanks " Bella smiled and said " for what , amazing teams "

Alex said " yeah Tom and Sarah really needs some time alone " and started heading towards swimming pool

Bella said in himself " this guy ,I thought he is thanking me for our team but " and smiled and runs behind Alex

As they comes close Bella said to Alex " so how about we dive in this swimming pool " in exiting voice
Alex looks towards swimming pool and then Bella and said " no " and takes her hand and drag her towards house

Sarah and Tom already in the house and surveying the rooms but they didn't say anything

Then Sarah breaks the silence and said " it's really worried that their is no locks on doors and no sign of someone already broken them "

Tom said in calm voice " may be they left home before apocalypse or " and stoped and looks at Sarah

Sarah completed his line " or they already become one of them " then Tom pulls his katana from his back pack and Sarah pulled her long knife
And starts climbing stairs

Alex and Bella comes in hall from back door and then Alex release her hand then Bella slaps Alex in the shoulder and said " you are no fun "

Alex looks back at Bella and said " we don't have another clothes to change , and specially you "
Then Bella said teasingly " I didn't said we have to swim in cloths "

Alex startled and turns around and started looking around as he started walking, Bella smiles little and follow him around

As tom and Sarah climbed stairs they saw long gallery and more than two doors Tom nods and they about to open first door

Sarah grips Tom's hands and gestures at the floor of second room and Tom saw the blood trail going in room

Tom looks at Sarah and said " stay behind me if something happens runs downstairs quickly understand "

Sarah said " I'm not leaving you alone " without looking at him Tom's takes deep breath and said to Sarah angrily
" Listen girl you have to protect your sister not me "

Sarah looks in the eyes of Tom and said " Alex will take care of her if something happens to me but what if something happens to_ "

Tom said " who cares " then Sarah said " I care about you even you left my father to die " looking in eyes of Tom and started heading in that room but Tom stops her and said " I don't want to leave Jordan alone " in sad expression on his face

Then Sarah said louder tone " then why did you leave him " and she realised she said it loud voice
Then they hears growling voices from that room and then they start running towards stairs

Alex and Bella also hears them coming down in the stairs Alex said to Bella " go hide in the kitchen " Bella don't want to leave Alex alone but Alex said " don't worry I'm not going anywhere just providing little help for them "

Then Bella said "be careful "and goes in kitchen and Alex run towards them

Sarah and Tom already fighting zombie furioussly their are 4 of them but 2 engaged with fighting Sarah and Tom and two more zombies running down from stairs and started running towards Tom but Alex interupted last one zombie and bash his skull with power full blow

Tom is also takes down one zombie and ready to face another one coming towards him

Sarah stabs his long knife in the head of the zombie 3 times and zombie drops dead

Now there is only one zombie left but suddenly 2 more zombies comes from the stairs and then they heard Bella's scream from kitchen ........

To be continued ......

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