

10 years of agony.
A short story...
A boy and a girl loved each other madly. Wanted to marry.but they lived in different countries. which consider each other enemies.The boy tried to convince his family but they didn't accept it. There were many ups and downs in their relationship. Fights a lot of fights etc but they didn't let go of each other. There was a time when internet was snapped in the place where the boy lived ,for 3 months and this happened many times. But both waited for each other.
They decided to move to another country. Then one day the boy decided to leave ,booked the ticket,but at the end her mother fell unconscious many times and he cancelled the ticket but not the plan. So the girls brother told him what to do? The boy said only way is to leave without telling parents. The brother said ok. Then a month passed and the boy convinced his parents that he will leave any day without telling them and this time sternly,even when they were weak and sad. The girl told the boy to give a date by or before 31st October 2023 or she will give her mobile to her family. The boy said ok.
Then during the month of October from 20th . The girls attitude changed. The boy asked her what is your family thinking? The girl said I am not bound to answer you everything and said you are disturbing my privacy.The boy was shocked by her behaviour as he was planning to leave everything for her, his job , home and family, but the girl is telling him ,that he his disturbing her.
The boy then asked the girl, if she has agreed to parents demands, or is she seeing someone or if she has lost all th feelings for the boy?
The girl didn't answer any of this.
Then boy was texting hundreds of msgs and the girl was texting a single text, that too after hours. Then after 28th of October, the girl stopped texting. The boy became anxious, as this has happened for the first time, that the girl has not responded even after the reading the msgs.
The boy continued to text. The boy asked her if she would be happy with him in another country because of her changeed nature. The girl never responded.
The boy texted on 31st October by greeting her. Hoping she would at least respond to the greetings and then ask for the ticket. But she didn't even respond to the greetings.
Now the boy was sure something is fishy.
The boy kept on texting, hundreds, thousands of messages until the night of 4 th November. He told the girl that " i didn't give you ticket, because of your behaviour, i was in doubt"He texted her that i cannot live without you, Please reply please tell me when to leave، we will be together۔ Don't do this to me. I will do whatever you want"
On the night of 4th November, the boy received a text from the number of the girl, saying" it is the girls brother and you have been texting her number from many days, now don't text, you have been given enough time, she is getting married soon and that is tomorrow". The boy began to cry , shiver and anxiety him him. He was so depressed that he was pleading frm a week, almost and the brother of the girl was reading and not responding. Even after seeing how much the boy loved her.
He called the brother and pleaded with him to please stop the nikah , as he cannot live without her. And that he was ready to leave but the girl didn't reply and didn't answer his questions out of curiosity.
The brother said" it is not possible now"
The boy said crying, "let me talk to the girl"
The brother said" she doesn't want to talk or listen to you" and disconnected the phone.
Even after that the boy continued to text her sisters, who eventually blocked him, he tried every mean, but couldn't succeed.
The boy is in dilemma, how could a girl who spent 10 years with him , walk away like that. No doubt there were communication gaps between during the last month. But the boy was shocked that she didn't even say goodbye.
The boy shocked as his family used to tell him to shut down phone, but he used to tell them that, the girl will die if I did so. And now the girl has done the same.
The boy also contacted her male friend, who told the boy that the girl called him and cried and said " this marriage is suicide for me".
The boy was shocked that the girl told her friend, but concealed such important information from him.
Maybe the girl was under a lot of pressure, but was it the right decision to leave without telling the boy and without informing him in the first place that she might be getting married? Was she right in telling the boy that " he is disturbing her? Was she right in telling the boy that " she is not bound to tell him everything??
Maybe the boy would have left the country before 31st October, if she had not done this.
What do you think??