

Don't wake the sleeping Lion
Don't wake the sleeping Lion
There was an old lion that slept under a tree at the outskirt of a town. A wild and fearsome creature that never roared. A brave but timid creature that always stayed quiet. A stone throw from where the lion slept lived a parrot. The parrot always cried and made unnecessary noise to infuriate the lion. For a very long time the parrot tortured the lion with noise but the lion looked unconcerned and pretended not to care.
One day, the lion caught the parrot and almost tore him into pieces. The parrot pleaded and promised not to disturb his peace again. After this, the parrot never disturbed the lion again.
The parrot changed the tune to his songs. When he sang, it was meant to warn others not to disturb the peace of the lion. After this, the parrot never disturbed the lion again. "Don't wake the sleeping lion" the parrot sang. When the lion went out in search of food, he met other animals who explored all means to infuriate him. He minded his own business and pretended to be dumb. The parrot emerged out of nowhere and started to sing, " Don't wake the sleeping lion."
When all the animals converged at one place. The lion kept to himself. They mocked and treated the lion with disrespect. He still stayed quiet and pretended not to care. The parrot again appeared and started to sing, " Don't wake the sleeping lion."
Children who passed by threw stones at him.
People rained insults on him.
He suffered both physically and emotionally. In all these, he pretended not to care and minded his own business. In all these, the parrot showed up and sang, "Do not wake the sleeping Lion." One day, the old lion couldn't take anymore. He fought back and resisted his oppressors. He was so angry. He fought back and hurt many of his loved ones. It was finally rumoured among the people that the old lion had gone mad. The parrot came out of nowhere and sang, "Did I not tell you not to wake the sleeping lion."