

Forest Transformation, Dance
Forest Transformation: Forest Transformed into the Road of City, The Woods are now furniture like chair and table some of them are fuel accompanying with fire for cooking purpose, no nature no whispering no breeze, green colors are faded only noise and pollution are there.
Forest Dance: Leaves are rising and falling, Trees are dancing as the wind blows, birds are singing, river sound is whispering, Our breath and the air in forest becomes Unified, inhaling the pure Nature sourced air. Walking on the floor of Forest, The forest stands and rises up its head with tall trees, The Forest wants to touch the limitless sky through tall trees. Root of trees makes base of forest so strong. In forest we are surrounded by so many trees, we are surrounded by green. Forest makes it's existence strong by it's strong roots of trees. Only trees are there to accompany us no, in Forest Trees are like our friends. The Green is holded by roots of trees, in high there is only green and in higher high there is blue so green below blue or blue on green this color stack exists in Forest. The Green is spread over the whole Forest there is no Gap no discontinuity, it continues throughout the forest the only single color code is in Forest no binary code exists. The green existence of forest through it's trees is eternal. The green is vibes always presents within the forest, boundary of Forest is bounded by it's standing trees, the green boundary is in the forest.

© Arka Samanta