

I'm Invisible??
If I could vanish but exist,
I'm coming for you who hunted me,
Sounds like no one,
But McDonald's better be prepared.

My troublesome ex,
That overbearing math tutor,
I will show you a situation where trigonometry won't help,
Have since loved being the villain.

Don't you feel heroes are pathetic?
Protecting the world from who has a cause,
Anyways I think I'm Invisible,
I'll probably rather spend the night gazing at the moonlight with my crush,
With such secrecy and serenity that have never been seen.

Or I could rather pay a visit to hell,
So I would be of best behavior for the rest of my days,
I'll pay heaven a visit,
Have a drink with the maker,
He's the one to give me invisibility after all.

I take my words back,
Am not visiting hell,
Nor the maker,
I'll go to my crush with my bird of dawn.