

The Era of Damnation ( Part 2 ) #2
Part 2
Chapter 2

Note: I recomend you to listen to " Final Fantasy XV ost Apocalipsis Noctis " during this section of the reading, Enjoy.

" Fuck.. " - Sarvia says to herself as she looks at the giant Ancient eye looking at her.

The Ancient was extremely hungry, this one quickly goes with its giant hand to grab Sarvia, Sarvia immidiatly starts to run away as fast as possible, now using the uthorium gem to start flying, but with the other hand, the Ancient quickly blocks the way, this one now aproching with the other one.

" No! Not today! I won't die today! " - She says as she turns around, using the Gems power to shoot a laser at the Ancients hand, The ancient quickly gets hurt, almost like a oil burn, it fliches now swinging it's hand to the side, shaking it in pain.

This ancient was humanoid, and had the appearance similar to a Cyclops, except it was way bigger, and had horns and spikes on its head and arms.

The ancient screams in pain, now getting even more agitated.

" Oh jeez I pissed it off.. " - Says Sarvia now trying to fly away again.

The Kaiju wouldn't have this, the moment it saw Sarvia try to run for it, the Ancient creates a giant Uthorium barrier around them, it was its main ability.

" !! Are you kidding m- MEE???! " - She says before getting grabbed by the Ancient, this one almost crushing all her armor and bones instantly, Sarvia survives though, screaming in pain from the extreme force added into all her body, the bones of her armas and legs breaking as the armor is instantly crushed into her skin.

" I-I WON'T DIE HERE! " - She yells in pain, still with the Uthorium Gem in her hand under the Kaiju's fingers.

The Kaiju slowly aproches Sarvia up to its mouth, as it opens wide about to eat her.

Sarvia's vision starts to go blurry, as she starts to pass out, she quickly gives up knowing there was no way to escape.. until.

The Uthorium barrier breaks, as a blue blur of pure Uthorium energy passes through it like glass, this one flying directly into the Ancients cranium, instantly penetrating it, creating a hole in the brain of the creature, but not killing it, the kaiju yells in pain, letting go of Sarvia and reaching both heads for the head.

Sarvia starts falling at a rapid speed, this one letting go of the Gem unable to move, paralized, blood coming out from all over her body, but as she falls, the blue blur gets a hold of her, and as it does this, Sarvia passes out.

Note: If you were listening to the music, you may want to stop listening at this section.

Sarvia slowly start to wake up, in a what she assummed it was a cave, this one beautifully illuminated by dozens of Uthorium minerals, scattered all over the ceeling and walls, some even on the ground, she looks around slowly, quickly noticing the same blue blur that saved her, right in front of a blue campfire, she then notices the fact that she was healed perfectly, only that.. her arms, legs, and waist armor were gone, still, her private parts were still covered by the armor, so it was no big deal.

Alberdors have a soft light purple like skin under the dark purple chitin armor, this skin is only exposed during mating season, when both male and female alberdors shade their armor to expose genital sections like the penis, vagina and breats, the only armor section that doesn't get shaded during mating, is the tip of the tail, as its the main natural weapon of the Alberdor species.

As Sarvia looks at this one more clearly now, she noticed that the Blue Blur as actually humanoid under its bright fog that was covering him, almost looked like one of her species, she quickly gets up, making noise, making the blue blur look at her calmly, she stops in her tracks, with a slight feeling of fear mixed with allot of curiosity.

"... What are you?.. " - Said Sarvia extremely curious, now stepping closer by a little bit.

"... That's a rude way to meet an old friend Sarvia.. " - Said the blue blur with a echoing voice, this one grabbing a stick and poking the blue fire gently.

Sarvia immidatly gets confused, but then.. she realizes it.

" Wait.. Gamur?.. !!! Gamur!! " - She says not even holding back on running towards him max speed and tackle hugging him without any fear, trowing both of them to the ground as Gamurs blue fog slowly dissepears, showing his true body, Gamur now had glowing light blue eyes, and his whole body was colored in a smooth neon like lighter blue, with yellow glowing dot like parts flowing through its armor.

" Ow! Watch out Sarvia! " - He exclaims but quickly gets inturrupted by her hugging him extremly hard, crying in joy.

" Where were you, you idiot! why did you leave?!.. " - She says crying not taking her head our of his shoulder.

Gamur smiles gently, now patting Sarvia's back carefully.

" I'll explain.. " - He says in a soft tone.

As Sarvia calms down, They both sit down next to the campfire and start talking, Gamur starting to explain what happened.

" So.. ok ok, before I start, how long as it been?.. " - He asks in a hurry.

" You have been gone for two years Gamur.. " - She attends to is question.

" TWO YEA- Time flies, Elders aid me, God... Well.. whatever so.. Remember that day when Pirblitz got extremely injured? Well, on that same night, I couldn't sleep, and as it hit midnight, a voice from the far of my head started to guide me, leading me outside the cave, and into the biggest Uthorium crystal I had ever seen, I slipped and got absorbed by it.., I then woke up on a strange blue void, and this.. blue like humanoid creature, that seemed a female, started talking to me.. she told me that I had be choosen for a reason, that I was the one that was gonna kill the Elders..

We talked for what felt like eternity, and then, I woke up here.. My body changed, now overcharged by Uthorium energy.. it gave me abilities like no other, it gave me power..

But unfortunately.. the Gamur you are actually talking with right now, is not thw Gamur you know..
I am actually a Energetic representation of Gamur's memory, his kinetic clone to be more precise..
The Gamur you knew actually died inside the crystal from energy overflow, and his memories were transfered to me.. that's what happened, I actually just woke up 3 suns ago. " - He says trying to explain the best way he could.

" Sooo.. you are basicly Gamur.. no? if the memories transfered, then you are still him no? just with a different body. " - She says Smilling trying to cheer things up. - Also,... does that mean that the Uthorium we use on our every day lifes is actually...- " - She was saying before getting interrupted.

" Alive? well, kinda, not really, the thing that talked to me wasn't the Uthorium itself.. it was something else.. I'm still trying to figure it out.. " - He says now getting up and streching. - " By the way, what are you doing out here so far from home? You know its dangerous, you almost got killed Sarvia. " - He says a bit mad at the female's recklessness.

" Oh.. mmhh.. I've actually been searching for you all these years.. I knew you wouldn't dissepear for no reason. " - She says a bit shy yet decisive on her speach.

Gamur immidiatly blushes a little bit, this one looking away scraching the back of his head.

" You were always too kind and stupid to understand how things work weren't you?.. " - He says now looking at her once more.

" You bet! " - She replies in a energetic way. - ".. WAIT, YOU DIDN'T NOTICE?! " - Said Sarvia with anger in her eyes.

" ?! N-notice what?? " - He replies confused.

" I learned how to use the Uthorium dumbass! " - She says smilling right after.

".. o-oh!! you did?! That's great! " - He replies trying to make her feel proud.

They talk and talk, having fun toguether after such a long time and after all that, they finally decide to head back home.

They were getting ready, it was alredy late, night falling appon the world as they leave the cavern they were in, Gamur quickly picks up Sarvia, now starting to fly upwards.

" W-wow! wait, you can fly without Uthorium?! " - She exclaims super suprised ans excited.

" Didn't I told you? I am Uthorium itself now. " - He says going up and up into the sky.

" WAIT WH- AAAAA- " - and away they go.

End of Chapter 2.

© Bito_Saiki