

my scary dream story
There was lived husband, wife and one little girl, they live in a flat apartment , one day the husband was drunk and came to home and the wife was in the kitchen , the husband was sitting in couch, the little girl about 3years old was playing around the house sunddenly she accidentally broke a vase , the father got so mad and carry the three years old daughter and throw away from the flat apartment , the mother got shock and she scream and fight with husband he slap his wife and push her from flat apartment mother and daughter pass away , he lied to police that the child and mother suicide , after the incident he move out from the flat apartment , fouth month, after he came back to his flat to take something , he open the door he remembers the memories
that he was with his wife and kid lived happily he was in tears he had felt he had done a bad things to his wife and kid , and hide it , then when he took his things and get downstairs using staircase he saw a women with black dress long hair he got scared and run up staircase sunddenly he saw the women was standing up in the staircase, where all he when the women was standing there , he look at her , she was so angry he carry that men and make him bang his head about 10 times until he died , I saw that men eye with bleeding blood his eyes was open and wake up from dream to most scary dream I never had.