

To be fearless as an archer. Go the wild to hunt wild animals and doesn't care much about his own safety. What will happen if suddenly he faces the failure of his equipment in the middle of an encounter with a wild animal. It would threaten his own safety and his life. Inspite of all this he takes to hunting in the forest as a profession. He must certainly be brave enough from birth to become an archer. Sometimes he succeeds in hunting and sometimes he may have to run to protect himself. Wild animals can't make out the difference of between a human and an animal in the forest. All they know is to prey upon ehen they see something for their own hunger. Isn't it exciting if we're an archer. Just imagine you are in the forests in nature and an archer. Life would be more exciting in nature. But, we don't have much archers as in the past. Modern days are more svirnce and technology driven. We have environmentalists and activists caring for wild animals and the nature. With more and more advancement in science we've also come to face many difficulties created out of scirnce and technological development. We can still enjoy our nature if we can protect our nature and the natural resources it has. More and more wild animals on land and water are slowly going into extinction. Our rnvironment is threatened by frequent natural disasters taking precious human lives and property. As we continue to enjoy the benefits and the freedom of development, we should also treat our environment as much we would care our own body. We are part of nature so for our own survival protecting and caring our nature and environment is vital. To be fearless means we should learn to live by not destroying our environment, but to live along with it. When we're courageous we will learn to live by creating a safe and healthy environment for all and everything in it. We are threatened by hunger as we've advanced because we have lacked in protecting our forests and the environment. An archer used his skills to protect himself and for his food, but today we threaten our own human species with man made weapons which is used against humans. We have seen two world wars. Now we're more equipped to wipe out humanity from the face of the earth with a few nuclear bombs. Such weapons of mass destruction is of no use to anyone, but we continue to make them for our own safety. Nuclear plants are unsafe to people who around it and also unsafe to the environment. We must learn to co-habit our planet with everything in it. We need to protect and save our planet and reduce the amount of environmental dangers it poses to us everyday to us in our villages, towns and cities. An archer once hunted animals as a sport. Instead today we compete with other nations to gain superiority and power. It's become more of a power game in the present than a sport it was in the past.
© S. Francis Hector