

I cannot resist you- Part 1
I am Lola Rae, A fifteen year old girl, I was the type of girl who had big dreams and followed all my parents rules, but all of that changed when a cute boy Josh transferred to my school.

Each day I tried to resist him, but I had to get to know him, I even started to stalk him on Instagram and I accidentally liked one of his picture, I Instantly texted him and said it was a mistake, not even two mintues passed by and I got a text back from him saying it's not a problem to be honest I was thinking about asking you out last week but I didn't had the courage to do it, so It's good that you texted me

Alot more mintues passed and we talked, laugh and send cringe texts to each other, he then said that he was tired and he was going to take a nap and promised he would come to me at school and asked me out on a date.

I myself wasn't going to bed as yet because I had some school work to get done, unfortunately I was a bit tired since I stayed up all night talking to Josh, luckily I completed them though.

Morning came and I was a little lazy to get out of bed, but I Finally did, as I grabbed my backpack and was going through the door mom asked who were you talking to last night in your room? I hope it's isn't a boy, I then replied saying no mom I was just watching a funny video on youtube and I really have to go now or else I will be late.

When I reached at school of course I was looking for him, but as I was about to step in class Josh called me he said come let's go I have somewhere to take you. I said are you mad I can't skip school

Please just come I promise you will love it

Ok I guess skipping school a day won't change a thing.

We took his car and drove to somewhere like a forest when we had finally reached there we came out of the car, he took my hand and led the way, what I saw was absolutely beautiful, it had yellow flowers and then I spotted over the other side a waterfall, he then took off his shirt and said I should join him, whithout saying another word I did as he said and took off my clothes that I wore to school. I was so glad that I didn't wear my grandma panties because if I did, It would have been a total enbarrasment.

I told him I was having so much fun as he put his hand on my lip and said be quiet and let's enjoy the moment beacuse we are free from school, stress and both of our parent's.

Month's had passed and I kept skipping classes and went on adventures with Josh, meanwhile my grades were getting low and my parents had suspected that I wasn't attending school.

I knew what I was doing was wrong but I can't back down now I have to know Josh he seems quite cool to me and I want to see what the future holds for us both.


© kimaleeclarke