

The Journey To The Mysterious Temple
One day Cloe The Explorer decided to visit a temple which was in a dense forest. Even though it was known to be an auspicious temple, people rarely visited that temple because it was very difficult to reach there. So Cloe packed her bag with all the necessary items for the exploration like flash light, match stick, food, water knife and a tool box and proceeded to the forest. After few hours Cloe finally reached the temple. She entered the temple and prayed to God to show her a way to help the poor people in her village. After that she came out and decided to walk around the temple to see the temple properly. When she reached the back side of the temple, she found a small door. Cloe became curious. She opened her tool box and took a hammer and hit the door with all her power. "Bang" The door opened. She took her torch and went inside and she could not believe it. It was a small room full of gold. And there was a note embossed on the wall saying " whoever finds this gold give it to the people in need". So she took the gold and came back to her village, and gave all the gold to the people in need. Then Cloe went back to home happily, dreaming of having such exciting explorations again in future.

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