

A mummies coffin
The discovery was mind blowing by most standards. I mean who unearths an Egyptian mummy after so many centuries?
"Dr.Hima! "
I turn surprised by my assistant's shout. His wide, frightened eyes stare back at me. "What is it, Ron?"
He points at the corner of the mummy's coffin. "That's dried blood, Dr. I think there's someone else in there with that mummy." the two of them lifted the stiff mummy that is Ancient and very old, only to discover what they couldn't believe what even after seeing with they're own 2 eyes what they were actually seeing. What it was, it was like a horror scene. there was blood and a red Slime like substance or film covering what looked like an animal of some sort squirming around. It began squeeling and was opening its mouth and had a mouth full of teeth. it turned on its back and was squirming, mouth open full of teeth and said with a slithering tongue.
"You'll never see the light after your grave existence of a human being."
© WesleyMcvay