

The Bloody End
My name is Indigo Rosewood, I am a fairy living in a world ruled by the vampire king. 100 years ago the vampires, the fairy, the werewolfs, and the merfolk got along in perfect harmony, until one day the vampires attacked the other three races almost wiping us all out. The ones that did survive are were either taken as slaves and bloodbanks for the vampire or they escaped and join the rebellion. When the attack happened I wasn't even alive, my familys blood line was captured by the vampires and I was born into the bloodbank. When I was 5 my father was drained of all his blood because of breaking a rule that was inforced by the vampire king, when I was 12 my brother was forced to into the vampire army, and when I 15 I lost my mother due to poachers that wanted my mother wings. At the age of 19 me and 4 other people manged to escape the vampires and fled to the forest that are family had grown up in. We stayed there for a week until we were found by the rebellion, they took us in and we immediately started to train. 2 of the girls went to train in the medical devision, 1 of the boys went to the farming devision, and me and the last boy went to the armys devision. After weeks of training we were ready for the army, they had planed an attack on the new moon because then the vampires would be striped of there powers the would be defenceless. The day of the attack had come and we were prepairing for battle, midnight rung when we had started the attack, 2 hours in we had lost 30,000 of are men, 8 hours in and were down 500,000 people. After 3 days of fight 300 of us were left all of us hiding in the vampire base trying to come up with a new plan. A couple of vampire spoted us and we were sent running, I ran through a few hallways and when I thought that I had lost them I looked around to see that I was alone. I started walking again to see if I could find a way out when I herd foot steps, I flew up to the tall ceiling where I wouldn't be seen. A man walked in with another man behind him, one was dressed in a white suit and had pins on the front of his suit, the other man was dressed in a black suit I had assumed that he was the king. Reaching for my wepon the man in the white suit left the room leaving the vampire king alone, "Now is the time to strike" I thought, he turned around to look at himself in the mirror I flew down as fast as I could and put my dager on his neck. The look on his face was a look of pure horror before he could a word in I pulled my dager back and decapated him. I look the crown off of his head that was now lying on floor and started looking for I exit again. I had manged to find the exit but with no sign of the others, I had assumed they were dead and started to make my way back to the home base knowing that the sun was about to come up. When I got back to the base I went to the leader and presented the crown of the vampire king to him and told him that I was the only surviver and that I had manged to kill him before he could even get a word in. I was rewared and a few years later the vampire race was no more, the other races had gotten rid of the last of them and we could finally live in peace.
© Julia storymaker