

Our Two Scents
The global lockdown created an unprecedented surge in the sales of aromatherapy products, or essential oils that are used to improve physical and emotional wellbeing. From candles to diffusers, aromatherapy is having its moment.

As scent can evoke memories or life experiences, it can provide a source of comfort during stressful times. A fragrance brand, in partnership with a creative studio, gave consumers a chance to reminisce by being able “to smell the places they missed the most during lockdown, with candles including The Local, The Festival and The Cinema.”

Here are just some oils to get you thinking. Each essential oil has its own benefits so choose an oil according to your wellness needs:

Boost immunity - Oregano or Frankincense
Reduce stress - Lavender
Fight Insomnia - Lavender or Ylang ylang
Help Digestion - Peppermint
Reduce Skin inflammation - Tea tree
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