

An untold story of every teenage girl

It was a hot and sultry afternoon in June. Sonia the protagonist of the story was standing and sobbing in a corner of the house. Sonia was a happy-go-lucky girl of 15 years of age studying in the 9th standard. She was very sincere and disciplined in her studies.

Sonia’s mother Renu — Beta it is ok, you tried. You failed in math just for 2 marks. Next time you can do well.

It was the first time in life that Sonia had failed in the exam.

Sonia- Sorry maa, I disappointed you. Saying she hugged her mother.

Sonia’s parents consoled and motivated her to do more hard work next time.

After some days, Sonia was feeling much better.

She decided to correct all the loopholes due to which she failed. After a lot of introspection, Sonia decided to go for math tuition. Sonia’s friend Rupali who used to stay next to Sonia knew a math tutor Praveen. Rupali was taking tuition from him from the last 6 months.

Sonia told her parents that she will be joining math tuition. As Sonia and Rupali were in the same class the tutor decided to teach them together at Rupali’s place. Sonia’s parents agreed without any hesitation.

Sonia started her tuition at Rupali’s place. 

She went to Rupali’s place. Rupali’s parents provided a separate room for study so that both of them can concentrate without any disturbance.

In the room, there was a study table with 4 chairs, two on either side. Rupali and Sonia were sitting at one side of the table and Praveen was sitting on the other side.

Sonia- Hello Sir, Good evening.

Praveen- So how are you doing?

Sonia — I am fine sir.

Sonia was weak in trigonometry, so she started with trigonometry.

Praveen explained the concepts to both of them and asked them to solve a question.

Sonia was unable to solve it, she was stuck in one step. She asked him pointing towards her notebook.

Sonia- Sir, how to proceed further?

Praveen — I am unable to see, as I am having myopia, can you come and sit beside me.

Sonia without any hesitation went and sat beside him.

Praveen patted her shoulder and gazed at her.

Praveen had a habit of cracking jokes and being friendly with his students.

After few days, Sonia was having a very strange feeling. Neither she was able to understand nor was able to discuss it with anyone.

She was reluctant to go for the tuition. Whenever her mother asks her to go to tuition, she used to procrastinate and make lame excuses.

Renu tried all means to know the reason behind her daughter’s plight, but she was unable to get an answer.

Sonia seemed to be in a dilemma as if something was there which was troubling her. She used to be a very jovial and happy girl, but from the last few days, she was behaving opposite to her innate nature.

Few days passed like this.

One day Suddenly Sonia decided to resume her tuition. Sonia went to Rupali’s place and sat on the chair. Praveen arrived.

Praveen- Hey where were you, are you fine?

Sonia kept mum and kept gazing at her book.

Praveen- Come and sit here.

Sonia ignored.

Praveen — you didn’t hear, what I said?

Sonia was reluctant and kept mum.

Praveen again insisted her. Suddenly Sonia burst.

Sonia- No Sir, I won’t come.

Praveen- Why, You know I am not able to see clearly from there.

Sonia- I don’t care. I know why you call me there. 

I don’t like the way you touch me, as I am not comfortable. So, please stay away from me.

Snatching notebook from Praveen’s hand Sonia left Rupali’s place.

In the name of cracking jokes and being friendly Praveen used to touch Sonia inappropriately.

Later in the night, Rupali called Sonia at the terrace.

Rupali- Sonia, sir said sorry to you and pleaded not to discuss anything with your family.

Sonia-I will not, but Rupali how can you keep mum? I have seen he tried to touch you also inappropriately. Why you did not raise your voice ?

Rupali- Initially I was not able to understand, though my sixth sense gave me an inkling that it is not right.
Later when I contemplated and decided to raise a voice. I was not able to muster the courage, as you know Sonia if I had told him directly he would have completely denied it. And you know this society always questions girl’s integrity rather than trusting. That’s why I was tolerating this.

But, how you gathered the strength to confront sir?

Sonia- I can understand you very well. Initially, I was also having the same thoughts. I sensed his wrongdoings within2-3 days, but I was not sure about his intentions. But one day I was reading a newspaper and in that, I read an article about raising voice against inappropriate touch. It described that if you don’t like anybody touching you, you should stop him and raise your voice against it without any fear. After that only, I decided to confront him without having any other thought.

Rupali- You did a great job, Sonia. You inspired me too. I promise you if in future this incident repeats I will raise my voice and will not be mute.

From that very day, Praveen never tried to touch them inappropriately.

Author’s point — From my point of view, Sonia took a good stand and does not compromised. Generally in teenage girls don’t understand their instincts and ignore these kinds of incidents. They do not have much experience in life, so did not dare to speak up for themselves.

But Sonia trusted her sixth sense. She not only took stand for herself, but she also inspired Rupali to be courageous enough to curb such actions.

Note: This is a work of fiction. It does not have  resemblance to any person.

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