

Two nights of love (part I)
Lines of love are really boring man…sadist! You keep on killing people…enough all your theories of love…blah…blah. I had enough of it. So now, let me try something different. Being haunted by Corona, this Ludo guy is in continuous contact with girls. I wish, I could be Ludo… apart from all this, what have I come up with?
A wonderful story with lots of characterization flowing out of the world…nothing like that! Just a feel good story upto my knowledge. We people would have come across a lot of policemen in our life (a salute to all those working outside despite all these situations) of course, it’s a cop story. Don’t fear much, it’s not of that type blasting criminals with bare hands but a piece of emotional cop story with lots of suspects…
I assure you clearly that the guy you think to be the wanted in this story is not…oh! You have been developed, man. I expect this from you (atleast for my sake…) if all of this sounds horrible…go back to my old stories, they’ll comfort you. To all those people bored of their online classes; crush chats; multiplayer games; household works; conference calls and whatever you do…turn around! Am here to present you my next story (I think so…) do read it and let all your suspects overflow. In our busy world, we’re least bothered of all those crimes happening around us. We make our move if it affects our daily routine. What a life out of shit right? Making all our faults fall on someone else, all of us are just a piece of mistakes of midnights. So yep! Welcome to my world of crime…

‘October 22nd , Monday evening 3.25 PM’
“am tired of it. Am really done. This is not gonna’ work anymore. I had been working here in this fucking software job for years, I have just changed my seat barely to three corners. I hate it completely but I have to do it running through all my clients. I could not follow my passion, of course, it does not fetch me money but atleast I would have been happy. Nothing happened in my life as I wished. I was pushed into the college, I was forced to marry and I had to go for a job and now am here. I have never felt myself in my life. And now really, it’s too late to think of all these in this age after being a father but in my entire life, where I am…”, Harish was thinking about all his fate in life.
“ Harish!Our boss is calling you”, one of his collegues informed.
“oh! This alarm is again on… I’ve got to manage snoozing it...”, he stood up with hatred. He entered into his room.
“Harish…”, the manager’s call was accompanied by his phone’s ringtone. He had a call and all of a sudden his silent mode has vanished. He ignored it but he had repeated calls…
“please go fuck it! And then let me start thrashing you”, the manager terrified.
“hello! Who’s this? Don’t you get me if I ignore your calls continuously. Who the hell are you?”, he yelled.
“yup, hello! Harish right?”, a soft tone enquired.
“yeah, it’s me. Who are you baby?”, he started blushing.
“am Priyanka, Inspector of police. Please don’t panic. We’ve found a dead body of a young lady over here. All we could find is only her mobile phone. She’ve called you last night and that’s her final dial up. We guess that you’ll definitely know her. Can you please come over here”, she requested.
Harish could not realize what was happening. He could not understand why they are calling him. He hung up the call and called her wife immediately. There was a connection error and he was really tensed. He called her again. Some voice started.
He was like, “hello…hello…”.
“every night in my dreams, I see you. I feel you! That is how I know you…”, that was her caller tune. (Jio tune sucks)
“oh! Pickup…pickup…” Harish was out of his mind. Some random person attended it.
“hello! Sarah! Darling… you are fine right? Say something… say”, he continuing. There was no reply at the other end but he heard some random conversations.
“mam! Someone named baby has called…”
“give me the phone!”, some familiar voice started.
“hey! Stop all your investigations, now. It’s someone you know. Maybe your wife… she’s dead and come here ASAP”, the inspector hung up sharing the location.
Harish was completely shattered now. He had to admit the truth that his wife is no more. Though, he had certain belief in him. He ran dashing all the doors. He rushed down to the parking, started his bike and accelerated it.
“ten minutes ahead”, the Google maps insisted. He accelerated more and more. He was praying out of all his hopes in god that nothing should have happened to her. He might have been unaware that the god takes only the credits but never turns up.
Here it was fucking traffic irritating him. He honked more and more out of anger. He was thinking of all her beautiful eyes; sharp nose and a beautiful smile. He could not come out of thinking about her curly hair. He could not even imagine a drop of blood from her. We people will never mind of all our relationships when they are around us regretting all our acts in future where they’ll be no more. Harish did the same here.
“sorry, di! I’ve not been so nice towards you at any instant. Even last night we were fighting. Am sorry, really sorry! I’ll never fight with you anymore. We’ll make a better life with our daughter. We’ll be happy. Please stay! Stay back for me, my darling”, he was crying all through the way.
He saw a crowd standing at a corner where the maps directed him. Only in our streets people will make a crowd wherever it is. They’ll have nothing to do but they’ll stand there. Road accidents;political gatherings; cinema shootings and so on. What the hell are we gonna’ do there other than capturing a selfie. Atleast from now let us do something useful.
Harish saw a crowd standing over there. He dropped his bike on the road way and rushed towards the crowd. He entered the crowd and he pushed people. There was a government dustbin over there green in colour with a long plastic roll. There was stinking smell. It was Sarah. She was rolled up tight in that cover. She had scratches all over hands and a major blast on her head. There was a lot of blood loss. Yet Harish could not figure her out as she was put in. He was looking all around and finally he saw her foot with anklets. It had heart design in it which he had gifted her long back. There was blood shed in it and one was those designs was pricking into her soft foot.
He was high. He could not control himself. He breathed heavily. He could not bear with it. He fainted…

“October 22nd, Monday evening 4.15 PM’
“Harish! We are gonna’ make it…things will be alright…you are gonna’ be a father…I love you, Harish…come on!Try impressing me…let us name her Aaryana…I’ll never leave you…thank you for understanding me…we’ll be a family so soon…Harish…”, Sarah! He woke up with a shock. He was in the hospital surrounded by patients everywhere. Something hurted him and it was nothing but the trips. He could not understand how did he go there.
There came his friend Sidh. Both were friends for a long time from school days. Both worked in the same office. Sidh is unmarried and he had been the greatest support for Harish whenever he falls…
“calm down…you have to be strong now! Please don’t strain. You have to make things up. It’s not yet over. You have a daughter to take care of and you have to handle things. Be practical…she’s no more”, he adviced.
“hmm…Aaryana…”, Harish looked up.
“I’ll go pick her up from the school. Go look into those postmortem formalities. Go on…”, he left saying.
The small girl, Aaryana, First standard ‘A’ section was in her class. She was unaware of things and she was not too old to understand things. Sidh was headed towards her school and Harish was in the hospital. He needed certain space and time to sort out things…
Now Sidh had to make things better for him. All of us will have friends who would stay back for us whatever situation it is (true friends) sidh was one such. Those friends are like gems in our lives and never leave them. Actually they can’t leave us until we push them out!
“students… shall we start our class. Take out your books darling and turn the page 23…”, Subathra miss was handling the class dressed up so cute. She had been so kind to children and she loves Aaryana a lot. Students were really sleepy by then as it was fifth period. All those pie had their sound lunch and they could not resist themselves. They were hardly listening…
“so what did the elephant do?”, she was teaching.
“excuse me, mam! Call for Aaryana”, a pune interrupted.
“Aaryana baby…who have come?”, she enquired.
“it’s her father’s friend”, he replied.
“Sidhu!”, Aaryana ran with excitement. However Sidh managed to get her out of the school. Aaryana was really excited that she is being taken out during hours where she could play for some more time.
“Sidhu! Where are we going now?”, she enquired. He had nothing to say but he tried convincing her.
“where are we going?”
“I’ll tell you baby”
“tell me, now!”, she started irritating him. He had no other go and this he had to say something.
“we are gonna’ see you mom! She’s going somewhere and she’ll never…”, he felt bad.
“then I’ll go with her”, she said smiling.
“no, beta…you have got us. We’ll never leave you. You are going to stay…”, he kissed her over her head. She could not understand anything. She was playing in his bike. She was hitting the horn continuously with laughter.
“we are family, Sidh! Never feel that you have no one. I’ll there for you, forever! Aaryana, she likes you very much and she loves you… Sarah! Harish is different nowadays. I think he has certain affairs in the office, that Malayali girl Rekha! Don’t mess it up. I’ll take care of him. He’ll understand you very soon…”, all those memories passed by his mind and by the time they reached the hospital.
It was again that nauseating place where he had to come. He didn’t know what to say her…he convinced her however and he made her sit on the bench where the patients use to sit. Harish was really tensed over there in the postmortem room and actually he had to be there. He could not see his wife lying dead in front of him who use to fight with him all day. She was still attractive and he could not take it up. He sobbed hard. By the time, Sidh tried entering the room.
“stop there”, a manly voice interrupted.
It was ‘Akhil Kumar’ Assistant Commissioner of Police; the youngest of all his people with innumerable records. Of course, he got through the government exams with lots of grit and he has all his focus over the case solving it within a week everytime. He had huge respect among his people and he deserved it.
He is involved in this case under the call from his head and he had to be here (politics fucks…) and now he is here. He had tucked in tightly with a belt glittering shouting out his pride. He had a long mustache trying to show up himself elder but his face would talk more. He was fair skinned and all this clearly suited him.
“who are you?”, he enquired.
“am Sidh!...sir. Am a friend of her”, Sidh dragged.
“it’s not your house making crowds where you fuck around! Wait outside”, he yelled (in basic cops tone) all these people think that just this dress makes them do anything to whom ever it is…
Akhil went in and he had his work over there. Doctor started explaining him things. “it is clear that it is a murder. She had been hit so hard at her head and there had been a lot of blood loss. She had been dead accurately 6 hours ago. There is no attempt for rape or something. All these scratches on her hands has no clues for harassment. There is no vulgarity in this murder…maybe the killer would have felt bad after things. She had been dumped over that place just after certain minutes her death. Make all arrangements and you can take the body after the formalities”, he concluded.
Only in our country, we’ll have formalities to move a dead body where lots of plans will be played in the grief. A live person will become a sort of asset once he dies and all those fucking relations would act so well hoping to claim a part of the asset. A really loving soul will never expect assets and money. It would have passed away mentally before their love does. Of course, we are in the world having people relationships showing up for functions and signing up for assets. Just a middle finger will not be enough to slay them…
Harish could not hear all those stuff and all his imaginations killed him. He sobbed hard and left the room at the instant but Akhil was still there. He came out and handed over all her belongings to Harish. It had all her ornaments, a power glass 1.5 and her Mangalsuthra with blood. Harish got it and his hand was full of blood. He could not control himself. He hugged Sidh tight and cried hard.
“calm down, man! You are a man and you have to be strong. Try to forget things and try to get used to it. You have got a daughter and you have to take care of her”, Akhil adviced patting Aaryana at her back.
“we need your atmost co-operation to get that bastard. We’ll make it. See you soon. Do respond whenever called. Take care of your health Aaryana darling…”, Akhil left saying.
Harish was not in mood of taking all those advices. He was stunned looking at her things. Sidh was trying to console him however and Aaryana was looking at the fish tank over there happily.
“get into the jeep! All her details must be on my table, now…”, he smashed the door closing it ordering all his assistants.
He opened his packet of cigarette, Net Sherman Classics and inhaled a long puff of it. Harish…Sidh…Aaryana…he exaled.The investigation begins…
© arvind