

narrow chapter 7 reaching out
Victoria walked back home.

Tears began to fall down her cheeks, she had the urge to run to run far away and never come back. But she couldn't as always her best friend fear didn't let her.

The fear of getting lost the fear of being all alone that kind of fear the fear of losing everything because of one small mistake.

Victoria kept on walking her hair dancing to the tunes of the air.

"hey!" a voice called out the voice was familiar,she felt a soft grip on her arm the scent was familiar.

"Cole"she said with a soft voice as she turned to look at him their eyes locked for a few seconds some how he made her forget everything,he made her forget her father didn't want her, and her mother never cared. he made her forget the hell she was living in and for a second there, she wasn't Victoria the girl everyone was indifferent to,she was the Victoria who could be lost in his eyes and be at ease she was the Victoria who could flap her wings with ease the Victoria she knew could never exist.

"What's wrong?" he said as he wiped her tears with a worried expression on his face.

"Nothing." she said ignoring the warmth he selflessly gave.

"Come on," he said staring at her" you never tell me anything aren't we friends?" He said trying to force a smile.

"It's just that...i can't , I can't do this any more..."she said as a tear slid down her face.

"What's going on" he said staring at her his grip tightened as if he was preventing her from falling.

"tell me" he ocean blue eyes stared directly at her. He looked worried. But something was off, some thing Victoria seemed to pay no attention to.

For a second she feels like she can trust him. She  stares at his grip and he frees it. She rest her head on his chest listening carefully to his heart beat that way she could know how he reacted to what she was going to say.

"when I was little..." she began "mum always told me all the other girls were prettier that me, she told me i couldn't hold a candle to them and they were always going to be better than me.

And I believed her, I had that belief planted right here in my chest" she looked up at him. And he looked down at her urging her to continue.

"At that time. Dad told me she was kidding that I was pretty and I wasn't worthless like she portrayed me to be, and I believed him and I buried his words in my heart right here and those words overpowered mum's words well not until dad left and mum Told me he left because he didn't need us and didn't love us and he left because I was a nuisance,then I broke." tears rolled down her eyes as  he hugged her close.

"that's when it all started I became like this void empty alone far away from this world.

Everyone judged me, my mom never cared. Neither did dad. little by little I lost everythiing at that time I was alone at school I was mocked and at home I was called worthless even till now." she looked up his heart beat had increased

"I'm sorry" he touched her face slowly and raised her chin up "but you are none of those things".the air blew her hair about randomly.

She takes two steps back looks up and then down.

"then why did he leave?" she said in slow tone almost as if she didn't want him to hear it.

"why do they hate me?" she begins to walk closer to him.

"why didn't she love me?" now she was screaming.

"Victoria" he whispers weakened he had never seen this side of her,yeah she down sometimes but today she was different,like her disguise was removed completely. those angry outburst that stare in her eyes she hid behind it behind that wall that was filled with hatred.

"All I Wanted... Was just to be loved"
She whispered she is very close now and she can hear it. His heart beat racing. But she couldn't care less not now...

"that cost me too much"her hands  were on his cheeks now she was weak and dizzy she felt something,his lips on hers but she was too weak to fight good weak to say no, so she let her self go and slip into complete darkness..