

The look
Fresh out of the shower I walk in the bedroom my phone beeps its a work email, I quickly read it and reply.
He walks in he's taking a phonecall he's talking serious to this person I love when he uses this voice, I look up at him he's been watching everything I've been doing my every movement, facial expression and blink... all absorbed in inhaling my natural beauty which is his favorite version of me.

I look at him dead in the eyes i quickly look away, I look at him again and he still holds his gaze straight at me he doesn't even blink.
I quickly press send on my email as I do this he says to the other person on the phone... something's come up I'll call you back when I'm done.
He puts down his phone walks straight to the bedroom door he closes it and I knew from that moment that he was going to show me how to not interrupt his important phone calls by being only in a towel.

© Citrine_Goddess