

I want a boyfriend:Part 4-The warm welcome
.....Ben came and shouted"Hello girls", and as soon as he saw me, his face turned pale, he held no emotion. I couldn't believe it. I stood there observing him, I could feel Joe's eyes on me but I couldn't stop looking at this boy, this boy that was once my jogging partner. I noticed all the changes in his body, his chest was really broad, he had that huge body-not that he was a giant but the Ben I knew before was very slim, I was even fatter than him then, but he was taller. "How could I not have noticed this the day I saw them kissing". I asked myself and I brought out a smile of frustration for Joe and Ben. She took his hand and he kissed her lips. She left him talking to his friend on the phone and we saw him leave so he could answer the call I guess.
Immediately Joe dragged me and I don't appreciate people dragging me like that. It looked as if she was angry, her face was like a witch,I couldn't even see any smile or any sign of love or friendship towards me in her eyes. She dragged me into the bathroom and while she was dragging me I was just imagining what could have happened if the bathroom was in the hallway, I was sure that people would have gathered watching 'our little show'. She held my hand very tight and used her long nails to pinch my flesh as soon as we got to the bathroom. I turned my face from the 'worried look' to the 'what-the-hell-is-your-problem look'. Immediately I caught her hands, I used force to throw them down. I was now regretting not going to the Judo classes my mum organized for me when I was nine years old. "Caroline!, I knew you were lying all this time...... all this time that you told me you had no feelings for my boyfriend!". Her voice was all over the bathroom. She was really shouting and I don't like noise. I couldn't even Care less about all the accusations she was bringing against me because my mum has always told me that 'Once you are doing the right thing, you don't owe anyone an explanation'. " Please reduce your voice",I said in disgust. I couldn't believe that this was the girl that I was helping. This life is filled with such deceitful and disgusting people.
She looked at me in surprise "You liar, you whore, you bad wolf, you cheater, you are a bad girl". She was fingertip away from holding my hand when I shouted" Don't ever come at me like that, Do you think you would drag me into this bathroom and insult me without me talking?. Listen here, all those names you called me er... what is it again? Liar?, bad wolf?, whore?, cheater?, bad girl?, those names are for you and not for me. Those are your characteristics not mine. You.... you are the cheater here.. because you were the one who cheated me...broke my heart. You are the liar here... it seems you have forgotten all the sweet things you said to me...you told me that you trust me now and that you now know that I am not here to haunt you... Weren't those your words? You are also the bad wolf, the whore and the bad girl because... no cultured girl will talk the way you have spoken to me today, the way you acted today showed me that you have no good upbringing. You see... I know it won't be easy to trust me since you don't really know me...but you don't have the right to insult me or to hold me with force the way you did now!, move aside..you disgusting fellow". I left her in the bathroom and came to arrange my bed, I was not going to be in this room halfway through the day anyway. I haven't called my mum since so I was planning to call her on my way to the library, I will be spending half of my day in the library anyway. I wanted to do some researches so I would be ahead of the class. I recorded my conversation with Joe in the bathroom because my mum and I attended a programme and the two of us were trying to make up things like that and I came up with the idea of recording things, even if it is not visual but audio, you could use it to defend yourself. I smiled at all those thoughts. I knew my mum would be really happy to find out that I am brave but I don't know how she would take the issue.
How would she feel with Ben, With Ben in my school?. With such a bad roommate?, with Jessie lying around? I just hope everything will be alright. I wore a simple top with faded jeans and some old boots of mine. I took my laptop so I could find things to do because I not planning on going back to that room but I knew I would have to leave the library and I would have to go back to my room too. On the way I called my mum. Knowing my mum, she wouldn't pick the phone on time but she later picked anyway.
"Hi mum". " Hi, carol,why haven't you called me since, I was really.worried about you and I also listened to the audio you sent me". I was so happy to talk to my mama and I knew she was happy too. "You did?". I tried to sound like it wasn't a big deal.
" Listen my princess, I know you were brave there but I am not pleased with the situation there, my love ". I sat down on a big rock so I could listen to my mum because even though I didn't want to admit it, I knew it was a big deal. " What is it mama?".
"Caroline, I know we took all those crime lessons then....that was then Carol! You are a big girl now and with all the things that have happened in my life, you should have learned that you are not like other children....".
" Wait mama, what do you mean by that? Just because I don't have a father doesn't mean anything,I mean there are other children who don't even have parents, but....I have you". I was already getting worried. "Caroline dear, I am not talking about you being an orphan neither am I talking about you being you not practicing your right as a child,Caroline, with all the things I have gone through, you ought to maintain yourself. You shouldn't make a big deal out of nothing. I know you are brave but once a girl is growing up, you should learn to keep your life as a private thing. It isn't evrrything that you would make a big deal. You will soon be a woman and it isn't everything In your life that you will make a public matter". I breathed out because I knew it is a big matter, it could affect my academics, it could make my mama panic and it could give me depression too. " Thank you mama, I really appreciate your words, I love you mama dear and please do not panic".
"Listen Caroline, this aren't just words, this are more than words dear. You need to live a small life. I am getting old now and I might not be with you tomorrow and our house issue has also come up so please don't give me stress....please". " What do you mean mama?". I could hear the sadness in her voice. "Our..'big house' Darling, the rent and other things in the house.. I could stay in the house but I have to pay the rest and it is not just three months.Caroline it is 10 years!!". I know the owner of the house and I know he is not that rich but he and his family are doing fine. He has two children and they are all girls;Jane and Ruby while his wife is a blogger and earns a good amount to sustain the family and I know they are really nice people but it wouldn't be fair if we don't pay up because of their nice nature.
" Mama,what did you do with your salary?". "I am coming to your school soon and we are going to talk when I come". " Hmm. okay mama dear, I will call you later". As soon as I dropped the phone I started crying.
What will happen to me now? What will happen to my life now? What is going to happen to my mama? What will happen to our house? And the matter with Joe? The matter with Ben? And with Jessie and 'the boys' lying around?.I ran to the library in tears. As I was running I heard a loud noise,girls blushing and making weird sounds, taking pictures and people overdressed. I saw boys lying around like a normal day but something was off. I was still crying. In fact my tears was already surplus.
"He is coming today" a girl screamed, another girl with a high-pitched voice said "But who is he?". The girl that screamed earlier on answered " His name is Hardin Dick and he is the most handsome boy I have ever seen and he is also stinkingly rich". Many girls chorused "Really???". Yes, infact he is single he doesn't have a gf now and he just came back from his vacation!".
" That's it love...love...love. That one thing that I haven't experienced". I thought to myself. I entered the library, put my bag down and let the tears out. I cried so hard. I cried like there wasn't a tomorrow. Just as I was about to pick my tissue on the floor, I saw a foot with a brown boot that looks pretty expensive. I stood up carefully because he was close...he was too close. "Who are you!?". I talked silently so that I wouldn't break the rules of the library. I took my time to take in his features. He was really handsome and so hot. I had to stop myself from blushing. His skin colour was just like that of my mum. It was just to blend...it was perfect. His eyes were shining as if I could see myself in it. I stared at his lips and at the same time, I took in his scent. He smelled like heaven. I quickly lowered my gaze and waited impatiently for him to speak. He held my hands and I wasn't used to that so I removed them quickly.
" Hi, my name is Hardin.....Hardin Dick. I saw you crying so I wanted to cheer you up. But normally, I don't fall for things like this so if you want to be alone....". I connected my lips with his. It tasted like strawberry. I don't know why but I don't want to stop. I just want to continue

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#stayhome staysafe #Stayblessed .
Part five will be releasedout soon, thank you. For the time been please check out:Deception:A short story that holds mystery and horror, My story, part 1, Inspiration lies within, My story, part 2:Hey guys,I have a secret to share with you, thank you.

Books yet to come
My heart 2