

We All Going to Be Hisstory: A Prophecy Begins.
@steven_moonlight: We All Going to Be Hisstory:
A Prophecy Begins.
Steven Moonlight – Synopsis

Johannesburg 2075, the dilapidated scenery of the digital and virtual enhancements have the remaining 100 000 souls escaping from the physical world to a reality bent on imagination, abstracts of illusion, necromancy played out in dark corners of downtown {CBD}. We have altered the faith of our children: “The minute we hit Play on our remotes.”
When our phones were connected by a cord, the world was a placid island. A vast motion of the greener pastures the book of old spoke about. The golden gates of salvation, running streams of pure and holy ideas to add that bit of hope in the empty bowls for the children of the streets.
Will we ever see an end? Or maybe we have been crafting, no matter what role you play, we have been crafting purgatory. Now our father’s sins have us stuck neck deep in unforgiving mud. A pitch-black nothingness will forever spin. Johannesburg was lured into the abyss of nothingness. The digital world covered our blue sky with a dark sheet of internal suffering. Will we ever see an end?
There is a boy. A child spoken of in times where wheels were nothing but dusty hoofs, travelling from sin to sin. This boy is from the Parckings home. A child of the prophecy he is, you see… the world is undergoing change, change that has been placed in motion years before we saw a box bring characters to life. The same box that sent unseen messages to the mind of the beholder. The same box that caused confusion and separation between nations and the colors of the world. The same box that demanded absolute motionless in these times of the pandemics. We are all plugged into a machine, it feeds us with all the lust and earthly desires, to have our hearts dancing to the tunes of jealousy.
However, this story will carry out a miracle, encrypted in code, not for the average seeker. This is his story; it has been before he opened his eyes to the world. The Parckings boy will bring change. A blanket of hope he will be for the souls trapped in a digital plane in Johannesburg 2075. Or will he?
We All Going to Be Hisstory aims at the factors that have been creating separating between us, the people of the world. We always look outside of the physical body for confirmation of love and desire. We always speak about how we came into the world, we didn’t, we came out of it.
The digital enhancements are rapidly bringing change to our lives, and unfortunately, only a selected few will in any form be able to adjust and officially be a part of the system. Simulation Theory has the world’s scientists running back and forth with the idea that we are living in a simulation. However, that is not true but, what we as consumers don’t realize is that we are creating a simulation.
A new world order is in effect. This is his story, this is Hisstory and we are all going to be it. Maktub.