

remembering those days....
It was raining, my heart is flying
sounds of the rain drops murmering
in my ears sky is full of black clouds
i saw into the sky from Window
cool breeze blews and i step into
thinking . i thought it would be better
like this every time.
suddenly i thought about my future
questions are arising in my brain
but i don't have answers for them.
looking into the sky i remembered
my child hood days those days never come again . those are the days in
which i cried a lot but now i used to
laugh by remembering those days.
The sounds of rain drops are resounding in my ears. I remembered
those days where i played in
the rain. i remembered all the days
where i enjoyed with my friends
and when i am remembering all my
childhood days my stress, worries,
fears gone at that moment
I thanked god.....

© ayusha