

Destiny- A study on John 1:1-5
That which was from the Beginning even the Word of Life, is the same that fabricated every man's destiny, For in him only destiny lies. This means your destiny wasn't designed in time, the intelligence behind your destiny and the wisdom behind your life is from the immortal God who has eternity and Eternal life in his hand. Destiny is only fulfilled when there is Life, It is the Eternal Life.

You will know very Little About what you have in God until you come into Christ and then you begin to discover the multi-dimensional realities of God that is hidden within you in Christ. A body can't walk nor live apart from the head, so also can you not live apart from God. In nature, his breathe holds all, he gave to us th exploration potential to explore the Providence of God that is inherent in creation.

Whereas, he gave us himself in the person of Christ, demonstrating his Love towards us, and Ultimately giving to us His very Life- The eternal Life with that we may come into Eternal fellowship and intimacy with him. That we may have share in him, enter into partnership with him, exchange band trade our mortality with his immortality, our weaknesses with his Strength and that we may be transported into the Fulness of his Life and Truth. That we may become furnished with his kind Wisdom, Knowledge, Truth, Understanding, Power, Intelligence and Authority and all that is in him.

That he gave us Christ is a proof that he can freely give us all things. All things in Life and Righteousness.

"In the begining was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God, all things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made, in him was life and the Life is the light of men, shining in darkness and which darkness cannot comprehend it" Jhn1:1-5.

The word of God is the Seed and Word of destiny. In him lies the destiny of all, now a careful study here can give us insight into that which our destiny was designed to be and also that which God has desired to engrave into every one of us from before beginning to the beginning till the creation of the world even till now.

"Before the beginning was our destiny and our destiny was with God and our Destiny was God, the same destiny of ours was in the beginning with God (in unionism with God), all things were made by this Destiny, and in this Destiny is Life, and the Life is the light of men shining in darkness which darkness cannot comprehend".

SevenThings to be considered here;

1. The Hub from whence our destiny was crafted- The timeless destiny.

2. Destiny does not stand apart from God- A Life apart from God is a life absent from destiny and purpose- This is Eternal unionism. It is in this scope that everyone can fulfil destiny for he already predestined and in this predestination, there is a unionism already created.

3. The definition our destiny- God, He is the destiny that we have, and therefore he is our destination, and this is why Our Destiny can be fulfilled in time.

4. The fellowship and seeking of the presence; Two cannot walk together Except they agree (Amos3:3). That man must seek Fellowship and Intimacy in time with God why?? This will be the basics of his fulfilment in time. And because of this, we see the function of the third personality if the Godhead- The Holy Ghost, he is the spirit of fellowship and destiny. He is the third personality that bears witness to a man in Heaven.

5. The energy and Providence for destiny Fulfilment; In God is the LIFE required for destiny Fulfilment. Life means a Force, an energy full of vitality and vigor. The vitality and vigor that your destiny will require to function is in God in Christ. in Christ because,

"It has pleased God that in Christ all Fulness and Treasures of Wisdom, Knowledge and Destiny should dwell".

And with this we see the quota of each personality within the Godhead and the role they play within every Believer.

6. The Equipping of Life; With such vitality and force, you become Furnished with LIGHT. This light is the weapon that is weaved into you required for the destiny. Our destiny is to become a GREAT LIGHT to creation by which Creation will be illuminated by. Wherefore, Christ is the Only Great Light. And this is why to becoming the Light is to become Christ and to become planted and established firmly in his LIFE. This is why the Holy scriptures says

"He predestinated us to become conformed to the image of his dear son (Christ)".

Our destiny is to enter into Conformity with The image of Christ, to enter into resemblance with him, to become him. And his residence is in light.

"He made us fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in Light"

7. While we have partner with Life and have been Furnished with Light, then here comes the Manifestations and the execution of our destiny; That we shine on in darkness and to bring darkness under control, till every where Become filled with the same Light we are filled with. And Because Christ is that Light, it means that we fill everywhere with Christ, that he might have preeminence over all things. By us, creation Becomes subjected under the Dominion and Government and Authority of God.

This means that we are the body of his government, enforcing his Dominion over Creation. We are his ambassador, our country of citizenship is in God, we are the sent ones, the sent out ones, we are sent out from Christ (The word). We are a product of his Word, in that word is Life, we are a revelation of his Life, forged from his Life, Created by the substances of his Life and filled with so much great Light.

"The Earth without form and void and darkness was...The spirit of God hovered upon the face of the deep, and Got said, LET THERE BE LIGHT, And there was light"

Here we see the problem of creation, but as soon of God's Spirit moved, Then God spoke (The Word), Let thee Light and this light was what brought Peace and order, a revolution and reinstallation back into the world, restoring dominion and the state of nature that is akin to that of God. But the Word uttered his voice and then Light was born.

We are that Light, we are the voice sent into creation for creation's deliverance. The Word been filled with Life gave birth to Light. And the scriptures says

"We are born by the Word of God, the word of Life, the incorruptible and immortal seed".

We are the offspring of Life, we are therefore a source of Light to generations and Nations. This is in correlation with John 1:1-5, In the Word is life and in that Life is Light that shines In darkness and darkness cannot prevail over it.

We are born as a believer in Christ from the hub of Life, fashioned from the theatre of Light, we are full with so great vigor and vitality of life and Light (Christ). We are Strengthened with Might by the power of the spirit that dwells in our inner man.

In John 1, we read also that Christ is that great light, but there was a witness sent by heaven to become a testimony of that Light, he was "John" which means "Grace, Mercy". Those who are to be witness and testimony of God's light are those born from the hub of God's grace and mercy. And in CHRIST resides Grace and Mercy, he is the grace and mercy of God, now we owe our birth to him. He becomes our father, this is so that we can become an accurately Witness and testimony. Our destiny has a prophetic structure, and partnering with the Spirit of the Prophetic nature of God is where True testimony lies, The scriptures says then that;

"The spirit of PROPHECY is the TESTIMONY of Jesus".

Our destiny is to become a testament unto God, a living Epistle written not with ink but by the spirit of The Living God (2Cor3).