

Few days ago, I want to a cafe along with sister and my daughter. We sat there where there was an open roof top and ordered some food. Then after sometime it suddenly started raining then moved inside the cafe. Ordered some more items Noodles, sandwich and hot chocolate , we chit-chatted while having food and took some photos for memory. We had a great time.

It is actually store cum cafe and Vegan restaurant. So after having food and spending some time in that cafe we also visited the store where you also get vegan products. I really love this cafe. I went several times and it is my favourite vegan restaurant. We buyed some items and left the store. We went back to home.

After few days, while i was searching for some picture in my mobile, I saw the snaps we took on that Vegan restaurant. While I was going through all the snaps of that restaurant, among them when I came through one snap, i was really amazed to see it. It was a snap of me and my daughter. When I observed the snap closely, my mind blew like anything as, my daughter was looking exactly same like me, the facial features, smile, eyes etc everything was almost same. After looking towards the snap my feeling was like OMG! How can that be possible?
Life is so magical and unimaginable. I just felt she is the REPLICA of mine which made me still for some time. When you see yourself in your kid, love blossoms like anything. Kids are just the reflection of ourselves. Whenever we see kids playing and smiling we just forget all our problems and the stress in us. Kids are pure form of souls.
© CreativeSwathi