

I was not impressed. He was boring, lazy, stupid, careless, gross, and not even very good looking. How he actually got me into bed with him the first time I don’t exactly remember. I was drunk and on the rebound when my perfect relationship went south. Maybe I was vulnerable, maybe I just wanted revenge on my ex, maybe he was just cheesy enough to hold my drunken attention long enough to trick me into his bedroom. Yet here I am four years later still waking up to the back of his useless head. Why do you ask? Because he’s a shapeshifter, a skin changer, a sexual werewolf. When the moon is full and we’re alone in the bedroom his true form reveals itself. This unattractive, pointless, lump of a man transforms, he rises out of his unimpressive ashes like a sexual Phoenix, born anew each night we come together. Even in my drunken state I was astounded. And I was hooked, the mess, the arguments, having to look at his stupid face everyday was all worth what that man could do in the bedroom. I am not exaggerating, embellishing or blowing smoke. He was Himeros in human form, the god of sexual desire and he was all mine. He could read my body like a book. Send tingles to places I didn’t even know I had. His targeted caresses could melt me like ice before a flamethrower. Where he learned such skills I had no idea, it was like the ancient Titans of sex had blessed him and him alone with secret knowledge. He could fill me such sensations my eyes would roll back into my head, enveloped in complete rapture. He could incite such quivers of ecstasy that I could have shaken the mightiest mountains to pieces. His slow lingering sexual advancement as we started to engage could turn the most pious of spinsters into his personal whore in mere seconds. I felt as if he crawled into my very skin and stimulated parts of my being I never knew even existed. And that was just foreplay. The actual event was an utter explosion of euphoria which the gods themselves would be envious of. He was an incubus feeding off my pleasure making him stronger and more eager to imbibe my sensual essence. He was a beast, ravenous for the excitement he generated as he titillated my very soul. He used every part of himself, every motion had a singular purpose to expound on my ever increasing lust and desire. He would plunge me headfirst into a sea of absolute exaltation. Lift me to such carnal heights the world would vanish from my very consciousness. I was lost, lost in the passions of this normally unseemly character. They say you should never base a relationship on sex alone, they could be right but they have never been caught in the sexual clutches of …Him. I know this can’t last forever, it’s a dream, a fleeting connection sure to end is disaster, but im willing to deal with that when the time comes. Until then ill keep my erotic Adonis, for when we are alone he’s my personal pleasure lord and master. By day a pathetic little man with nothing to show, but by night he’s a God.
© Elizabeth Moore