

The daily sights and news which are witnessed by all of us, centring 'round the deadly issues of Corona Virus, a.k.a, Covid-19, have not been faced by us in any century or ages. There might not be a single soul who could have imagined this kind of menace burdening our shoulders. Who could've thought that the once crowdy streets , which even made people hard to breath in it, will now be wreathed with solitude ? Which soul might've thought that there will be something so ferociously deadly awaiting for us in future making the Goverment make us be encaged in our own houses ? Not a single soul (be it alive or dead) would've imagined that even going for simply buying 'food' in markets, would be synonymous of death game.Now the minds of every people on Earth, are in terrific horror by this so called "Covid-19 's " diabolic reign.The whole world is in stand-still facing the life and death war played by Covid-19.
Even the heart's of brave souls are now turned anti-clock wised , as this deadly virus played a "checkmate" in life's game.There is always this thought crossing my mind every now and then, 'Would we ever see the ethereal world full of happiness once again in future ?"