

(rewrite of unjustified criminal)

Drew blinked as he regained consciousness." I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me?" Then he realised he was holding a bloody knife in he hand.
he stared unblinking at The knife, And yes it was real blood. He got up . and looked around, He was in a barn,But what was more was that there were bodies everywhere! he looked back at the knife clutched between my fingers and then at the bodies on the floor.
"Wait did I do that! he was shocked, but at the same time scared.

Then he suddenly spotted a poster thrown on the ground, he walked over to it and stared at it.
he Could make out a picture of a person and Benath it was written WANTED. Drew squinted at the photo ,it seemed familiar, "Wait.... thats me!!"Who was I!! "It was me who did it wasn't it! "I suddenly tried to find an escape. "I deserve this,but I did nothing... or so I think "he suddenly stopped trying to find an escape and Saw one of the bodies. "Wait a second... ... That person,
..is familiar " he was horrorstruck "I know who that is "I whispered "thats MY MOM! "I was so angry, But at myself, ?.. . I sat on ground weeping, Who was I!? Did I kill of these people. But deep down Drew knew the answer. "I don't remember doing this. Why did I!? Drew was know whimpering. . He suddenly heard Voices shouting from outside!
"Come out of there will you!!! "
Drew was scared but then he spotted a vent and without thinking climed in

"But wait why am I running ""Is the police my enemy?! "He thought a voice deep down answered his question. "I don't want to go to prison..... I don't even remember . But then he heard a door open and Drew automaticly and crawled through the vents. "I have done this before "he thought "I have done all this before I... ..deserve prison "Drew crawled around The vents thing to find a exit. but one part of him wanted to get caught by the police. but the other part of him was the criminal... the criminal inside himself