

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I write story ideas for a book. I put my paper and pencil down and see Jaime's name popped up on my screen.
I haven't heard from her in a while, I thought. I clicked the notification and her message was long.
It said: "Hi Lilly, I want to let you know that I appreciate you but I have made the hard decision to not communicate with you anymore as I need to clear my life of old aquantances at at this point. I am sorry to be in this position but I am. I hope you can respect my decision and understand that it's not personal. I wish you nothing but the best. 💕"
I felt vexed; unsure of what I did wrong. We've been friends for years, I had no idea she looked at me, for years, as her 'old aquantance.' I looked at my phone just to make sure I'm reading it right.
I reply: "I'm use to friends leaving me."
I never thought Jaime would do this to me. I felt so betrayed by this, and so heartbroken. But then I realize: Well, it's her loss; I can easily find someone new. She won't even know what she missed!