

The time had come to start my journey. I leaned out of the window, waving as long as I could while she disappeared into the distance. Finally I was all set for a new journey a journey which was away from my world my mother. Till today I was completely dependent on her for my small small needs she used to be on her toes to fulfill all my wishes. I just used to wish and after a while my wish used to be served to me. It was not that I don't love my mother but really don't know what magic she has whenever she is around me I just feel all my work should be done by her or I want to do that with her assistance. life is a journey which holds numerous journey within itself. Since my childhood I have seen her sacrificing all her comforts and wishes just for me. She never allowed me to walk out alone but today she did for the very first time. I knew she must be very upset from inside but I could see unique pride on her face. The pride was of victory of her teachings. She was satisfied that what so ever she has been teaching me I would not forget and I have learnt to dwell in dark alone. She knows me the best. She was sure the obstacles of my path would not change my goal rather it would take me one step close to that. My mother always used to say don't hold someone's hand when you are afraid it will make you more weak. Instead of that hold your both hands together you will feel the circulation of divine energy within. I offcourse had experienced each and every word uttered by her has base of her own experience. And as we all know the experience of an institution is key to its progress. She had provided me with wings, courage and even skills to fly. She many of the times tested me as well. She was sure I would fly high alone. She believes everyone has to be autopilot of their own flight of life.