

Wolves of Michigan { Story Description }
"I thought that if I acted like it didn't matter..." Eugene gradually trailed off as he lowered his gaze to the ground, only to continue almost-inaudibly, "then it wouldn't."

Ebony's breath hitched in surprise. Her eyes brimming with tears as she reached out to him, pulling him to her to rest the nineteen year old's head on her shoulder. "Of course it matters," she sobbed, "you're my little brother."


Eugene Ellis frequently struggled with his identity, often left in the dark to fend for himself as Ebony, his elder sister worked to care for the both of them when it came to necessities for survival.

Shortly after they were left orphaned the moment a serial killer decided to claim the lives of their loving parents, the siblings were thrown into the so-called care of their paternal aunt.

Growing up, they were discriminated against for the colour of their skin and the race they were born into.

They soon realized that they only had one another, and learned to battle for themselves under the roof of their abusive aunt.

A decade later, Eugene slipped and fell into an abysmal period of darkness. With no one by his side, his health begun to decline.

Now a wavering mess, Eugene is filled with the darkest secrets.

As months go by, Ebony and Eugene are once more united in an unpleasant, heart-breaking way.

Soon enough the siblings sought comfort in one another, like they did a decade ago. As their bond grew, Eugene's heavy heart is burdened with the bundles of confessions he owes his hardworking sister.

Copyrighted © Alexandrina Vicorii

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ~

° The main characters, Eugene and Ebony are black.

° This is just the description / summary for the story I'm currently writing.

° Updates are on Thursdays.

— if you've got any questions or recommendations comment them below!

© Alexandrina Vicorii