

I am Lucky to Have you ( Part 11)
Mr. Raj - Hmm ohk go ahead.
( Alice leaves the room )

Mr. Raj - Uddit I want all the information about what exactly happened something seems off and wierd.🤨

Uddit - Ohk sir

Employee 1 - Hey Alice you are back I missed you so much what happened were you really kidnapped.

Alice - No its nothing ,it was just a prank played by my distant friend .

Employee 1 - Oh ,ohk then .

Alice - I want some coffee do you want some .

Employee 1- No its alright,you go ahead I don't want.

Alice - ☺️Ohk

*Employee's whispering*

"Hey do you know about that room "
" Yes I know , our CEO has said not come near that room "
" People say that its a secret room I want to enter that room " 😍only once .

( Alice listening their conversation suddenly Raj came just behind her )

Mr. Raj - Do you know its not good to eavesdrop someone's conversation.
( Alice startled 🤯)

Alice - You scared me to death . Can't you speak something if you are behind me.

Mr. RAJ - What is there to be scared ,what are you doing here .

Alice - Actually I want to ask you something.

Mr. Raj - Hmm,go ahead ask

Alice - These employees were talking about some secret roo...

Mr. raj - Let's go and talk in my office.

Alice - ohk

Mr. Raj - sit down , now complete what were you asking.

Alice - Yes, so I was asking that I heard employees discussing about some secret room , do you know about it .

Mr. Raj - Why do you ask about it ?

Alice - I am just curious.

Mr. Raj - Its nothing its just a document room where there are a lot of documents and all there and those information are really worth thats why we call it a secret room and noone is allowed to go there .

Alice - Oh ,I see . But those are only documents what so important about them .

Mr. Raj - The files there have many things or you can say secret's about the company.

Alice - Oh ,so who is allowed to enter that room .

Mr. Raj - Me and some other very powerful people ( powerful here means people with bigger position)

Alice - Oh I see , can I..
To be continued........

{ Ohk so today I have some questions for my dear readers pls answer those questions in your own way ☺️😃}
1 What is love for you ?
2 Tell me the best thing about the story and the least thing .

{ I hope you all will enjoy the story ☺️}