

Soma the Fool
Long ago, in a small village in India, there lived a man named Soma. He was known as "Soma the Fool" because he often did silly things that made people laugh. Soma had a good heart, but his ideas were always a bit strange.

One sunny morning, Soma decided to go fishing in the river. He took a big basket, a fishing rod, and a huge piece of bread. "I will catch the biggest fish today!" he shouted with excitement. The villagers laughed as they watched him walk away, thinking he would return empty-handed, as usual.

When Soma reached the river, he sat on a big rock and put the bread on the hook. He waited and waited, but no fish came. After some time, he got bored and thought of a plan. "Why not use this bread to make a big fish sandwich?" he said to himself. So, he took the bread off the hook and started to eat it.

Suddenly, a wise old fish swam by. "Why are you eating my food, foolish man?" the fish asked. Soma looked surprised. "I am not eating your food! I am just hungry," he replied. The fish laughed gently. "If you want to catch me, you must use your brain, not just bread."

Soma thought for a moment and said, "Okay, wise fish. What should I do?" The fish replied, "Instead of just sitting here, why don't you make a fish trap? Use some sticks and leaves." Soma liked this idea. He quickly gathered sticks and leaves and made a clever trap.

After some time, he caught many fish! Soma was very happy. He returned to the village with his basket full of fish. The villagers were amazed. "Soma the Fool has caught fish! He is not a fool after all!" they exclaimed.

From that day on, Soma was known as "Soma the Clever." He learned that even a fool can be wise if he listens and thinks. And the wise fish? He swam happily in the river, knowing he had helped Soma find his cleverness.

And so, Soma lived happily in the village, and every time someone called him a fool, he would just smile and say, "Sometimes, fools can teach us the best lessons."
© Nishmitha Kotian