

There was one boy named Hans. He liked to go to his aunt's house as it was walking distance only. One day his mother said, Hans when you will come back from aunt's house bring the screw that she will give. While returning to his own house with the screw, he saw a hay cart in front of him. He kept the screw in it to stretch his hands. When he was reaching home, he could not find the screw. He got scolded by his mother for this. his mother said that he should have tied the screw the in his collar.

The next day is mother said that when you will go to aunt house bring a knife because our knife is very dull and can't even cut a fruit. so when Hans was coming back from his aunt's house he kept the knife near his collar. Then it fell and Hans was not even aware about this. His mother told that he should have kept the knife in his pocket.

Aunt soon brought a puppy. His mother wanted to see it so she told Hans to bring it here. Hans kept the tiny puppy in his large pocket. When he reached home, the puppy lost breath and his mother called a orthopaedician (doctor of animals) to treat the puppy. She told Hans that he should have tied a collar to the puppy's neck.

Next day his mother wanted chicken to make biryani. So Hans again went to aunt's house to bring chicken. He tied the chicken with a collar and dragged it. The fresh had become so dusty that it could not even be cleaned also. Mother told Hans that he should havetold aunt to wrap it with silver foil and he should have kept it on his head.

Next day mother said Hans to bring butter from aunt. While taking the butter from aunt, Hans said her to wrap it in silver foil.
Then when he got to his house mother was shocked to see that melted butter was all around Hans' head.
The she said "OH FOOLISH HANS"

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