

finished version of Dangerous Prison
The human mind is an evil thing. Therefore it makes sense that the strongest curse on a person is to force them to spend time with their own thoughts. It's taxing. It wears them down, and tears them apart from within. One finds that if they spend enough time in the confines of their thoughts, the only escape is writing them all out. The things that people in their own minds wrote down were considered madness.

They were terrible, terrible things.

The punishment of living with only one's thoughts was later called mentilaita. This is due to the English root mental; meaning mind. Before the name came about, it was called thought trapping.

When this method of punishment was first presented to the world, evidence was already available and was also published at the same time. Scientists used this as a punishment on the 60 worst prisoners in the Southern Tech Lit Prison (STLP). They also conducted experiments during the process of punishment.

The prisoners were fed food with memory wipping drugs that left the basics and childhoods but not the crimes. They then were subjected to a room temperature enclosed space with no windows, no visible doors, and a simple light on the celing. They had access to the switch. If the prisoners asked any questions about why they were there, how they got there, or anything else of the sort, they were removed from the experimentation and inserted back in once the drugs had taken effect again.

The results are shown here as written by the prisoners for all to see. Perhaps this is the most extensive proof of how dangerously terrifying our minds can be.

(Dangerous information, keep in enclosed space.)

Chapter 1 gray

P. 8 Day 1:
My eyes always wander to the wall. The wall is so pretty. I like gray. It's the color of the clouds on a rainy day. I love the sound of rain. Sometimes I believe I hear it. But in truth, there are no sounds here.

P. 8 Day 2:
I think about music a lot. I think about it all the time in fact. I've made rythms and rymes in my head. Ta-tah taah ta-tah Taah. I think this in my head.

P. 8 Day 3:
Did you know that an eraser on the ground makes a quiet bang and the tip makes a louder bang?

P. 8 Day 4:
I want more music. I want more sounds. The silence pierces my head. I hate this. I hate this so much. Please someone. Is there anyone?

P. 8 Day 5:
The pencil is sharp. It broke my skin this morning. I don't feel good now.

P. 8 Day 6:
I woke up with my finger bandaged. Am I not alone? Is there more outside than just this room? I have begun to search for a door. (Prisoner removed at this time for further memory wipes. Edit: reregistered as 57, after 7 days, and kept on watch list).

Chapter 2 white

P. 17 Day 1:
My thoughts wandered to trees. I wished I was a tree. I would stretch my roots out and reach toward the sun, forever.

P. 17 Day 2:
I want to look to the sky. I love the color blue. The deep darkness on the edges and the light in the middle. Both are beautiful. I love blue.

P. 17 Day 3:
There is a lot of white inside. My brain is full of white. I decided to explore a little. I am alone here.

P. 17 Day 4:
I thought about the ground today. I hatched an elaborate plan for robbing a house from the basement. I would steal the smallest of things there and escape through my tunnel. There are pipes I would have to avoid, so it would be best to get the electrical and water plans.

P. 17 Day 5:
The white is back. I went farther today. Then I realized that I wasn't alone. There was something else there. It was scary though, so I left.

P. 17 Day 6:
I remembered something today. It's wrong to remember. The past is bad, so I must avoid it at all costs. In order to forget again, I ate all the food there this morning. I love the food. The food makes me feel good.

P. 17 Day 7:
There is too much time. Time is evil. It goes on forever and ever. I don't want to be evil so I should stay away from time.

P. 17 Day 8:
There was water falling from my eyes. It scared me and then more came out. I thought I was sick. Then it was white again. The white helped me. But I saw the thing so I left early.

P. 17 Day 9:
White. So much white. I sat in the corner. The scary thing is visible from here, so I can't move from this spot. It paces the floor, back and forth. I hate it. It's ugly and scary. What if it attacks me? I'm scared...(Lab report shows that the prisoner collapsed at this time) [Smeared ink with a large thumbprint]

Chapter 3 red

P. 42 Day 1:
I wandered around my room today. I'm bored. According to Dad, boredom is a punishment. I can't think of why. The food is so good.

P. 42 Day 2:
This is stupid. I don't want to write, but I'm bored and I found these in the corner yesterday morning. I hate this so much. I don't know what to write besides stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

P. 42 Day 3:
Today I wondered about books Books are smart. I wish I was that smart. I want to be smart with words, but they are hard.

P. 42 Day 4:
I like bugs. I found an ant today and I watched as it crawled across the floor in front of me. Then I remembered things. Bad things. Terrible things. Things I had done. My mind was red and I was running to the wall. I need out! I HATE THIS STUPID PLACE! WORST PUNISHMENT EVER!!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE! I have both shouted this and written it. No one responds. Not even the bug flinched. It felt as though I said nothing at all (prisoner extracted. Not fit for this punishment).

Chapter 4 black

P. 47 Day 1:
The mind is assumed to be a maze. We wander through the halls all our lives searching for the ending that is happiness yet we never find it. I hope to explore more later on but the app doesn't always seem to be running.

P. 47 Day 2:
There was a drawing of a maze on the walls this morning. I have no idea what happened. This is terrifying. I am the only one here, I am alone, so who drew it? Help me please.

P. 47 Day 3:
Did you know that black ravens are know to exchange money for food? I remember a story my grandmother told me when I was little. Everytime I feel lost I think back to the day I was sitting on her lap so long ago.

P. 47 Day 4:
I suppose I owe you the story now. But perhaps I should leave the cliffhanger, after all, I have all the time in the world to share.

P. 47 Day 5:
There is a saying that when the wind blows the candle out, we all shall die. I like that idea. It would be interesting to see a pitch black Earth. How would we get by without light?

P. 47 Day 6:
Do your thoughts always come to fruition? The drawing of the maze on the wall, and now this. I thought of darkness, and then the light didn't turn on this morning. The light switch just didn't work. I was elasped in the darkest morning of my life... It turned on in the evening though. At that point, I was starving.

P. 47 Day 7:
I love holding something over this journal. It's the power of controlling the information, much like a political figure, and I take too much pleasure in holding this over, over what anyway? This journal I guess. Maybe someone in the future who will read it. I suppose that it will make it's way to someone. Perhaps it will be someone who ends up in this same room.

P. 47 Day 8:
I love the food here. The way it melts on your tongue, and fills your body with happiness! I wish we got more here, oh what I would do for a little bit more! But everyday, in the morning, a small plate shows up in a different corner. Of perhaps it's the same. I'm so turned around.

P. 47 Day 9:
There was a strange noise from the room next door. I'm terrified now.

P. 47 Day 10:
I need more food. It's so good, I just want more and more and more and more and more. (Prisoner removed for treatment of drug addiction).

P. 47 Day 13:
(Prisoner showed great signs of recovery over two days. Still suspicious and under watch). I should share my story now so that others can here it while I am here. Tomorrow I suppose.

P. 47 Day 14:
I didn't have time today. There was a ringing in my ears and so I entered the maze in my mind to find it. My efforts were wasted. It stopped quickly right after and I took a small nap then.

P. 47 Day 15:
My grandmother had a friend who used to sit at the park and feed the ravens. Everyday she would sit out there and watch them gather around her. They would eat the food and then scatter.

P. 47 Day 16:
One day, while she was sitting on the bench feeding them, a small shiny raven dropped a bottle cap on her lap. Almost immediately, my grandmother's friend gave that specific bird a ton more food than the others.

P. 47 Day 17:
Now it was a competition. They would bring her more a more things each day, things like bottle caps, pieces of string, and even small coins. At one point, the first one brought her a small jewel.

P. 47 Day 18:
Ravens are really smart.

Chapter 5 green

P. 57 Day 1:
I like ice. It is frozen and cold and wet and so nice. I like ice.

P. 57 Day 2:
The green is so green.

P. 57 Day 3:
I went to sleep.
( All other entries are considered too childish to be included)

(Project ends)

Chapter 6 yellow

P. 60 Day 1:
When I was younger, I used to have this dream. It was such a strange dream that a stranger would never understand no matter how much I explained it. But somehow I'm having it again.

P. 60 Day 2:
Now that I'm older, I think about when I was younger a lot. It seems like the past holds more importance the further away we get from it. Interesting huh?

P. 60 Day 3:
I haven't been here that long but I miss the outside. I liked the yellow sun the best. I used to draw pictures of it all the time when I was little.

(Project ends)

Chapter 7 black and white

P. 65 Day 1:
2x2= a beautiful zoo
3x3= a grand old tree
4x4= so many more
5x5= all my friends alive

P. 65 Day 2:
2+2= you
3-3= me
6+6= brand new tricks

P. 65 Day 3:
59-58= fun
99-92= heaven
57-67= my hero

(Project ends)

Chapter 8- gray

G. 8 Day 1:
They hired me for this job, but it's mildly terrifying. I'm not sure why I am here, but I'll just stand here I suppose.

G. 8 Day 2:
I was told that I was watching for strange movements and sounds. They mentioned that I could hear and see in, yet P.8 couldn't hear nor see out.

G. 8 Day 3:
Today started boring as usual, however, P. 8 began to hit the ground with a pencil. It was an interesting rythym that sounded familiar. Perhaps P. 8 used to play the drums.

G. 8 Day 4:
Apparently, the guards aren't suppose to mention the past of prisoners. It's "taboo..."

G. 8 Day 4:
They broke their skin with the pencil! Why in the world would anyone do that? The mind of this human baffles me. There was no reason at all to do that. I called for a scynth.

G. 8 Day 5:
The prisoner began searching the room for something they clearly could not find. Eventually, at night they were removed for further memory whipes.

G. 8 Day 6:
I was removed until further notice.

Chapter 9- white

G. 17 Day 1:
They explained my job today. For the amount of pay, this seems so easy.

G. 17 Day 2:
Perhaps this will be harder than it seems. Simply standing there by the door all day, tends to be boring.

G. 17 Day 3:
The prisoner passed out today in a crumpled heap apon the floor. My first instinct was to run in, but I was required to stay out of sight. I called the scynth. They said leave them.

G. 17 Day 4:
The prisoner awoke as usual as though nothing has happened. They began drawing scribbles on the wall, nodding as though it looked like something.

G. 17 Day 5:
The prisoner was wondering from wall to wall, and then passed out again. This time I waited and watched assuming nothing was fine. After about 2 hours, the prisoner awoke and began to scream terribly. I was once again forced to do nothing and simple watch from the outside as commanded by the scynth.

G. 17 Day 6:
Everything was normal again today. The prisoner seemed especially hungry is all.

G. 17 Day 7:
Today was very boring.

G. 17 Day 8:
The mental health of the prisoner seems a bit strange. Perhaps something is truly wrong. They began to cry and then passed out again.

G. 17 Day 9:
The prisoner froze and stood straight for over 5 hours staring at the same spot on the wall. Finally, they screamed and fell to the ground in one rapid terrifying motion. At the same time, they tried to write something out but passed out before it seemed like they could finish.

G. 17 Day 10:
I was removed until further notice.

Chapter 10- red

G. 42 Day 1:
Time passes too slow with nothing to do.

G. 42 Day 2:
The prisoner really enjoys writing.

G. 42 Day 3:
I must have the most boring prisoner ever.

G. 42 Day 4:
My job went out with a big bang. The prisoner freaked out over a bug and began shouting crazy things and running all over the place. I called a scynth and the prisoner was removed.

G. 42 Day 5:
I was removed until further notice.

Chapter 11-black

G 47 Day 1:
This job is strange, and I'm not afraid to say it. I see no one besides the Prisoner and the Scynth and I simply wander aimlessly, trapped in this crazy place. The walls are so bare that it's mind numbingly boring.

G. 47 Day 2:
The Prisoner hid in a corner today. Not sure what happened.

G. 47 Day 3:
Nothing at all happened today. I sat by the window watching an waiting, but there was barely any movement at all inside.

G. 47 Day 4:
I'm bored.

G. 47 Day 5:
The Prisoner seems to love writing. So much time is spent pouring over that notebook. I suppose it's the only thing to do.

G. 47 Day 6:
The Prisoner didn't turn the lights on today. I wonder if he slept all day instead.

G. 47 Day 7:
Today was strange. The Prisoner spent all day writing in the journal. I wonder what goes in there. Perhaps it's apologies or angry letters.

G. 47 Day 8:
After eating so much food, the Prisoner spent all day staring at the empty plate while scratching things into the journal very desperately. I was a bit worried.

G. 47 Day 9:
There was a noise from next door. I think the Prisoner heard it...

G. 47 Day 10:
I was worried again when the prisoner stared deep into the plate, so I called the Scynth. They told me to wait until further notice.

G. 47 Day 13:
The Prisoner was brought back so I began this journal again.

G. 47 Day 14:
Today was boring again. It's weird how days pass by like this. I only enjoy this job when the Prisoner has a problem. Isn't that sad? I suppose I learned something from this.

G 47. Day 15:
It was interesting. The prisoner was scattering something on the ground of the cell today. I'm not sure what it was, but I wonder if there really was anything. Sometimes I think the prisoner is hallucinating. About what I'll never know.

G. 47 Day 16:
There must have been something really interesting in the cell. Perhaps some rock that got in. The prisoner spent almost all day staring at a spot on the ground in the far corner of the room. I'm not sure what it was...

G. 47 Day 17:
Nothing happened today. It was so quiet, so silent and still, that I wondered if I was still alive. Perhaps I had died and that was the end of all life. Or maybe I was the only living thing left, besides the prisoner.

G. 47 Day 18:
There was a loud noise from inside that startled me out of a reprieve. I looked in to see the prisoner collapsed on the ground. I called a scynth and the prisoner was taken out and down the hall without a word.

G. 47 Day 19:
I was removed until further notice.

Chapter 12- green

G. 57 Day 1:
I was reinstated as a guard to the same prisoner under a different name.

G. 57 Day 8:
The project ends tomorrow. All guards are being moved to a different prison 817,424,757 miles North.

Chapter 13- yellow

G. 60 Day 1:
To whomever might read this. I refuse to write in this journal. It's an absolutly stupid and girlish idea for some strange experiment that I would despise being a part of. Scientists don't care about us. They only worry about themselves, just like all humans. They don't want me to write in this journal for my sake and in that way I refuse to do it. Goodbye.

Chapter 14- black and white

G. 65 Day 1:
I'm confused. I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. Just wait out the door like this forever? And what am I supposed to write in this journal? I perfer numbers over words.

(Random math expressions follow, none of any importance)

Chapter 15- Scynth 1-10

Day 1:
The project has started successfully. All of us have been assigned 10 prisoners each and each prisoner will come at different times. Some of the prisoners will be used twice to collect different data throughout the experiment. For now, only I am her with prisoners 1-10 and their guards. While the prisoners were completely willing to participate, the guards are struggling a little with complying. Apparently their pay isn't enough for this. That's not my area of expertise

Day 2:
All of the prisoners are doing well so far. There haven't been any big incidents, although I have a feeling that there is something more going on than I am aware of.

Day 3:
I am not alone. Something else wanders these hall interrupting dreams and messing with us.

I think I'm imagining things. Perhaps the shadows on the walls are from other things but I swear I saw something lingering in a cell.

Day 5:
The prisoners and guards all seem fine. Is there something wrong with me instead of them? What if the only sane humans on this planet are the ones that murder and kill? Perhaps the rest of us are the crazy ones. I don't feel right.

Day 6:
It's coming to get me and I need a way out of here. The facility is locked for now. I have to wait until the next Scynth comes. But I may not survive until then.

Chapter 16- Scynth 11-21

Day 1:
It seems that I could not get here quickly enough. The previous Scynth was all too ready to leave.

Day 2:
I really don't know what his issue was. Everything is going quite well here. The prisoners seem fine, as well as the guards, and I am enjoying my studies.

Day 3:
Nothing to report

Day 4:
WHAT ARE YOU! Leave, we have no room for you here!

Day 5:
(Smudged and tearstained beyond recognition)

Chapter 17- Scynth 22-32
Day 1:
I had heard that there was some phantom or ghost lingering in these walls. I'm not afraid of the supernatural. It's usually just people's imaginations.

Day 2:
I've had this feeling on the back of my neck all day. A tingle that reaches my toes. But I'm sure it's nothing. Perhaps I have a small cold of some sort.

Day 3:
I don't believe in supernatural things.

Day 4:
Perhaps my body is trying to warn me about someone. Maybe one of the guards is planing a revolt. Or I suppose the prisoners could be planning an escape.

Day 5:
I saw it. There is something lurking in the shadows. We shouldn't have started this project up. It's too dangerous. The prisoners might be fine, but the scientists that try it will not be. This is wrong.

Day 6:
Screw it. There's a ghost and I gotta get out of here. I can't stay any longer. I really don't want to die.

Day 7:
It's chasing me, I swear. And nowhere is safe. Not here nor in the lab nor even in one of the cells. There is no escape. I'm stuck until it drives me completely crazy.

Chapter 18- Scynth 33-43

Day 1:
This place has a strange feeling. It's like all the sins of the prisoners linger to haunt us instead of them since they can't be haunted any longer

Day 2:
Everything is peaceful enough I suppose. But still, this is rough. I'm almost all alone here in this place.

Day 3:
I wonder what the prisoners are thinking about. We aren't allowed to read their journals until the experiment is completely done.

Day 4:
It feels so relaxing here. I do like being alone I suppose. My thoughts are easier to focus on.

Day 5:
Time moves so slowly here. I'm getting bored. The experiments are alright and it's nice working in the lab, however I have nothing to do at night.

Day 6:
I'm so bored. So are the guards it seems.

Day 7:
I really don't want to be here.

Chapter 19- Scynth 44-54

Day 1:
I'm excited for this job. It's my first time working on a big experiment like this so I can't wait to see how it goes!

Day 2:
The job is tricky. I have to make sure I do everything on time and right away as the whole thing will fall apart if I don't. I'm probably the only one to struggle though.

Day 3:
The prisoners scare me.

Day 4:
I heard a strange sound coming from the basement earlier. It's where we keep all the lab equipment that we aren't using at the moment. There shouldn't be anyone down there.

Day 5:
I see all the bugs in the hallway and the mice under the stairs. It should be impossible for living things to get in and out. So where in the world are these creatures coming from. I have no idea what to do. There should be no holes. We all checked. A dozen times over too.

Day 6:
Where am I supposed to go? There are bugs everywhere.

Day 6:
Save me. Please

Chapter 20- Scynth 55-65

Day 1:
This project needs to end. The other scynths struggled and suffered in this cement box of a lab. The drab gray walls are the most depressing things that I've ever played my eyes on. It's more of a prison for the researchers than the prisoners. This needs to end.

Day 2:
I'm going to call it off. I will. So what if we came this far. I need to call this off. Seriously.

Day 3:
This time I'll make the call. I'll hit yh button and shut this down. Truly.

Day 4:
this should end.

(End of dp experiment.)

Perhaps the minds we think are most innocent are actually the ones we should worry about.

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