

Modesty Is The Highest Elegance.
Short story

She's famous in social media,
While he is not.

She's uploading her every cute and beautiful selfies,
While he don't even had any picture in his account.

She's hijabi and kinda knowledgeable about islam,
While he is an aleem,ustads indeed a religious man.

She loves receiving comments about how beautiful she was,
While he hates girls like that.

Until one time she posted her beautiful pictures,
And he can't stop to comment to her pictures anymore.

But instead of commenting on the photos he directly messaged her as a sign of respect for being a woman, a muslimah.

"Assalamualykum ya ukhty,are you enjoying spreading fitna?,
are you enjoying causing evil eye?, are you enjoying being adored by boys?,
are you enjoying being a model?,
are you happy sinning everytime you post your pictures in public?,
aren't you happy for showing your beauty to the whole world?,
are you not ashame of yourself that all boys out there enjoying looking at youre picture even though they are not your husband? ittaqillah.. have mercy on yourself. I'm not judging you dont get me wrong , im only reminding you that you are a muslimah. Islam gives every muslimah so much respect, plsss do apply it to yourself. You wanna die but because of your photo's in social media. You're sin is still increasing?, stop it.repect yourself, respect your parents, apply you're haya, your taqwa, keep your imaan, dont let yourself rat in jahannam just because of being adored by many. Sorry for messaging you I won't mind if you don't reply me, all I want for you is to read this message. Massalam, may Allah guide you to the right path"

Years past.

She strive hard for her akhirah,
And now no pictures in social media even due now she is wearing her nikab on, She never upload her pictures.

She's getting married.

After the nikah ,
When her husband removed her nikab.
He cried looking at her beautiful wife infront of him.
She look at him curiusly, And he hug her.

"Maa Shaa Allah!!" He said repeating over and over again.

While shes still thinking of "whats goin on"

"It is you,." He whispered.

"Huh?" She asked

"Still remember the guy who told you things about your photos? The man who said that you are just spreading fitna? Its me" He said crying.

In that moment she cried too.

She's been being thankful for him for yrs, since the day he messaged her,
Because of hes message she learn how to gives importance to her modesty, to herself.

She's been hurt, deeply hurt to his words. That cause her to change herself.

She's making du'a that indeed Allah will gives him the right woman for her. And he also prayed that she may found the right man for her to increase her imaan and teach her more about islam.

But indeed Allah let them found each other.