

Unconsidered Lilies
There was a man named Verlin Smith that was my friend. He worked as a mechanic in the days I knew him. He was older than me and was the chaplain for the lodge I attended.

Verlin was charged with prayer each time we met. And no matter how his prayers started, and regardless of what was said in between, he always included the petition for the aid of those that had less food to eat than we (paraphrased).

He was a wise man. He was a gracious man. He was my brother and I was his.

In a lodge filled with astrological symbols and what is claimed to have been ancient rituals... an old guy with a name like Verlin evoked all kinds of imagined things for me.

But always, before the conclusion of his prayers, he asked for the comfort of those with less food than we.

He has since passed on to different realms, but there are times when I feel him, whispering to me of grace. Grace, and the comfort of those with less food.

These things I know to be true.

There is enough for everyone.

And while we look at NBA players helping others in a big way, or Bill and Melinda Gates donating millions to charity, or the guy or girl that decided to film themselves buying groceries for the customer before them, what rings true for me is this.

Verlin had the desire and intention of will to remember those with less in each prayer.

You can have the celebrities that do good things in public. Take all the stories you have heard about kindness in these days. Roll them up and smoke them in your pipes of publicity and praise.

There was a man names Verlin Smith who had the inclination to remember the poor... and this remembrance means more to me than anything else I have known.

For those that do good things in secret, I salute you. For those that even have the desire and not always the means to help, you are my heroes. Even the lilies that are not considered, have bright clothes.

And as for your thoughts of helping? Your imagined joy for others? They mean more than you think... or at least... as you think... your thoughts become meaning.

With this I wish you well. You and those that have less to eat than we.

Happy Friday.