

Life is...
Once upon a time, there was a naive young boy who concluded that his life had reached its end. He thought to himself, "This is it. What more could life possibly offer me? I've worked, I've loved, I've worn different masks, yet I am no one. I want nothing. It's a miracle that anyone cares for me, for I'm worth less than a penny."

This boy drifted through life in a robotic state, day and night following the same routine: wake up, school, work, home, eat, sleep, and occasionally bathe. One day, two days, three days passed in this pattern. Get up, school, work, sleep. On the sixth day, the boy didn't wake up. Rushed to the hospital, unconscious, he received medical aid. His condition was critical, and at one point, he regained consciousness, replying to a few messages. A friend messaged him.

"Are you okay?" the friend inquired.

"No, I'm not," replied the boy.

"You need to take care of yourself. What would happen to your girlfriend if something happened to you?"

"I don't know. I guess she'd become a widow, haha."

The conversation ended abruptly as the boy felt a heaviness.

On the seventh day, the boy didn't wake up again, and this time, he never did. His mother, who gave him life and supported his dreams out of obligation rather than desire, cried. His father, rarely present, shed tears.

On the eighth day, the boy was laid to rest. His girlfriend attended, her tears unabated. His friend, the one who had messaged him, was absent, unaware that there wouldn't be more days together.

On the ninth day, life awakened those left behind. The friend got up but skipped work, opting for a day off. The girlfriend woke up but skipped university, spending her time in bed reminiscing about kisses and sleepless nights. The mother woke and quit her job, the father got up and wept.

One year after, the boy was no longer among them. His friend changed careers, the girlfriend graduated from university, the mother found a better job, the father grew closer to the family. What did the loved ones of the boy do now? They get up, worked, studied, or did both. Yet, yesterday, the friend traveled and discovered a new city, and today, the former girlfriend finally felt that college was worthwhile. The mother now wakes up and makes a delicious coffee before heading to work, the father gets up and witnesses the sunrise as if for the first time. At dusk, the girlfriend reads a romantic novel for fifteen minutes, the friend learns to play a new instrument, the mother gazes at photos of her departed son with love and tears, the father goes to sleep and dreams of seeing the world his son never did.

Fifty years later, all of them passed away, but new members joined the family, reminiscing about the lives their beloved departed ones left behind.That boy and those humans who loved him, what did they leave behind? Love, heartbreak, work, study, death, friendship, money, debts, lessons, memories, more memories. Conflicts, smiles, sadness, anger. Experiences.

© Marty A.P. All rights reserved